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Error During Debugging of TI-RTOS Application code

HI everyone

 I am quite new to building applications on TI-RTOS v2.0 so my question may sound silly to many of you. Please bear with me. I have developed a simple application using tasks on TI-RTOS V2.0 with CCSV6.0 running on F28335 eZdsp. Four Tasks Sends data on serial port. Everything works fine when I run the program freely. But when I applied breakpoints for debugging, to see the program flow and to see which files/functions/code is involved behind BIOS_START() function I happened to reach at GATE_leaveSystem() function proabably from RTSC packages. I was hitting F5 to go through the source code line by line. At GATE_LeaveSystem() program halted with the following error.

No Source available for "xdc_runtime_System_Module_GateProxy_leave_E(struct xdc_runtime_Igateprovider__Object*, long)"

[D:/ti_CCS6.0_projects\task_EZDSPF28335\Debug\task_EZDSPF28335.out] at 0x33c036.

Please tell me why this error occurred ? Where is the source code for the above mentioned functioned?

Please also explain in addition how mutex_P28FP.C file is formed and used in Debug\configpkg\package\cfg directory by XDCTOOLS.


Hammad Saif