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am437x SYS/BIOS drivers bug

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SYSBIOS

hi everyoen

 we are porting am437x  "StarterWare_02_01_00_02" gpio drivers to "tirtos_sitara_2_00_01_23"  am437x  task example    using ccsv6,  now the compiler through, but only  use ccsv6 "step into" button can let led blink,  if click  ccsv6 "resume" button,some errors happen 
"Can't find a source file at "/db/vtree/library/trees/zumaprod/zumaprod-a23/tirtos_sitara_2_00_01_23/products/bios_6_40_01_15/packages/gnu/targets/arm/rtsv7A/syscalls.c" 
Locate the file or edit the source lookup path to include its location."

clould you give me some advice how to write drivers,and How to deal with this bug.


aria li

  • Aria,

    you need to direct the debugger to the location where you have installed the Sys/Bios files. The sources are there and then you can debug the issue. Above is not the debug output but a message by the tool that it can't find sources. This is usually the case if libs are built on another machine and contain the absolute paths.

    Otherwise there is a dedicated Starterware forum.



  • hi

    console prints this information

    [CortexA9] Exception occurred in ThreadType_Main.
    Main handle: 0x0.
    Main stack base: 0x8001e350.
    Main stack size: 0x1000.
    R0 = 0x44df2b48 R8 = 0x48040000
    R1 = 0x00000003 R9 = 0x00000000
    R2 = 0x00000000 R10 = 0x0003ba80
    R3 = 0x44df2b48 R11 = 0x8001f274
    R4 = 0x00000001 R12 = 0x8000e6c4
    R5 = 0x800139ac SP(R13) = 0x8001f258
    R6 = 0x00000001 LR(R14) = 0x8000e9f4
    R7 = 0x8001f350 PC(R15) = 0x8000e6e4
    PSR = 0x600001df
    DFSR = 0x00000005 IFSR = 0x00001000
    DFAR = 0x44df2b48 IFAR = 0xbed5eead line 180: E_dataAbort: pc = 0x8000e6e4, lr = 0x8000e9f4.
    xdc.runtime.Error.raise: terminating execution

    clould you give me some detailed advice


    aria li

  • Aria,

    no, as we can't guess what code you have here: E_dataAbort: pc = 0x8000e6e4

    You really need to single step through this and figure out what is happening. Hint: usually it is some kind of peripheral that has not been enabled (clocked). So ARM can't access the registers and will throw an exception.



  • Aria,

    aria li said:
    am437x  "StarterWare_02_01_00_02"

    I don't think this is a public release. At least I can't find it on our web pages. So you should ask the person who gave this to you for support. We can't discuss early engagements on the public forum.
