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TDU is not working on external SDRAM C5507

Hi all,

In order to increment the number of TDU, TGE and CID instances (one per channel)  I need an external memory . I have tested all the external memory space by writing different pattern and reading .

When I tried moving .sysmem (heap memory space) to CE0 memory space all the algorithms but TDU is working. Code detects CID, generate tones but not detects tone (dtmf, cpt. etc.) although it works before moving heap to external memory. 

1)What makes TDU different from other VOLIB modules?

2)Are there any restrictions using  VOLIB with external memory?

3) "ecomemBuffer_t" buffer used while allocationg memory for TDU has a "mclass" field as external or internal? What does this field mean?

Below are the change I made to use external memory in .cmd file :


-heap     0x3000


 CE0(RWIX) : origin = 0050000h, length = 03b0000h



.sysmem    : { } > CE0 PAGE 0    //.sysmem    : { } > DARAM PAGE 0



thanks and best regards


  • Hi,

    Below are the TDU buffers and when I create these statically and map them to CE0 (external) TDU can not report anything. Then I tried moving Buf ID 1 Scratch Buffer to internal memory and others to external, now TDU works. Only this buffer has ecomemBuffer_t. mclass field of "ecomem_CLASS_INTERNAL" . Does that mean anything? Do I have to map this buffer to internal only?

    Buffer IDAlignment (bytes)Size (bytes)Scratch/Dedicated

    Id: 0 - 4 -104 -- Dedicated
    Id: 1- 1024- 1024-Scratch
    Id: 2 -4 -324-Dedicated
    Id: 3- 2- 362 -Dedicated
    Id: 4- 2- 106- Dedicated
    Id: 5- 2- 44- Dedicated

    thanks and best regards

  • We’re closing out this old thread. If you feel there is more discussion on the topic, please feel free to "Reply".