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TI RTOS for DM37xx


I am evaluating which RTOS can used on DM37xx. We have selected Nucleus but still searching alternate option.

Can I use TI RTOS on DM37xx? Is it available on DM37xx? If yes from where I can get more information and documents.



  • Raviraj,

       Yes TI-RTOS runs on the DM37xx. You can find more information here. I recommend you look at the TI-RTOS Kernel User's Guide (the link on that page) and even download the kernel and run some of the examples using CCS. There's also this wiki page that has good information to getting started.



  • Thanks Moses for quick reply.

    I have gone through document and I understood that TI RTOS means SYS/BIOS is running on TI micro controllers and Application processors.

    I was thinking it is only used on DSP and not on Application processor.

    So if I decided to used this TI-RTOS(sys/BIOS) on DM37xx in ARM side the same SYS/BIOS will also be run on DM37xx DSP right.

    And communication between ARM and DSP will happen using sys-link, please confirm on this.

    Actually we are planning to use DM37xx for mobile design in which appliaction framework will run on ARM side and modem(Protocol stack) will run on DSP(IVA) side.

    So in this case can I port TI RTOS on our application framework which we run on ARM, we also need to think from productization purpose(power management, low power numbers, good performance etc).

    Please add your comments on this and help me to understand this.



  • Raviraj,

         SYS/BIOS is commonly used to refer to the TI-RTOS kernel. It runs on TI microcontrollers, processors and DSP's. You can run TI-RTOS(SYS/BIOS) on both the ARM and DSP and use IPC (not SysLink) to communicate between them. More information on IPC can be found here. I'm not sure about the details on your application framework to give you a verdict on if you can Port TI-RTOS to it. Let me know if you have other questions.

