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RTOS Object Viewer Error - could not access shared memory to retrieve stats

I am doing some debugging and using the ROV to check that things are looking ok.  When I click on the HeapBufMp object and highlight over the curAllocated, I see this error:

I then go to the ListMP object and see this error:

The ListMP object shows that the first entry starts at srPtr 0xc0041180, addr 0x9a041180 (why 0x9041180??).

My questions are: Why am I getting these errors in HeapBufMP and ListMP?  Why is the starting address of ListMP show 0x9a041180 when the HeapBufMP that I've created starts at 0x9a000000?

My .cfg file contains this for a SharedRegion:

/* configure SharedRegion #1 (MessageQ Buffers) */
var SR1Mem = Program.cpu.memoryMap["SR_DSP"]; // TT: I assume this corresponds to IPC_SR_HOST_DSP.
SharedRegion.setEntryMeta(3, // This number must match with AppCommon.h / App_MsgHeapSrId.
new SharedRegion.Entry({
name: "MessageQ Buffers",
base: SR1Mem.base,
len: SR1Mem.len,
ownerProcId: MultiProc.getIdMeta("HOST"),
cacheEnable: false,
isValid: true

And I've created the HeapBufMP with these parameters: = App_MsgHeapName;
heapParams.regionId = App_MsgHeapSrId;   // set to 3
heapParams.blockSize = LLIF_APP_BUFFER_SIZE;
heapParams.numBlocks = NUM_MSGQ_ENTRIES; // Number of messages.

Module.msgHeap = HeapBufMP_create(&heapParams);

Also my platform contains an entry for SR_DSP that has a base of 0x9a000000, with length of 0x100000.

The tools I am using are SYS/BIOS, XDC tools, and IPC

If you need more information, let me know.

