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TMS320F28335 hwi and swi load

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TMS320F28335, SYSBIOS

Hi guys,
    I'm working on project based on TMS320F28335 and I'm using the Sys/Bios
one of the task is to get the CPU usage for each task, for the Hwi and Swi interrupt and CPU Load.

All works fine for the tasks and CPU load but I'm not able to get information about the Hwi and the Swi.
I'm using Load_getGlobalHwiLoad and Load_getGlobalSwiLoad() function as suggest by the datasheet but the value are always 0.
Does anyone have the same issue?

  • Luca,

    Did you enable the Load for Hwis and Swis?  Task loads are enabled by default but not Hwis and Swis.
    To do that you need to add the following lines into your *.cfg file:

    var Load = xdc.useModule('ti.sysbios.utils.Load');
    Load.hwiEnabled = true;
    Load.swiEnabled = true;

    Let me know if that works for you.


  • Hi judahvang,

    Unfortunately while this allowed us to enable the feature, we are getting the following error when compiling the optimized custom BIOS and starting a debug sessions.

    115fb2 stack error, SP = 0xcf34.

    xdc.runtime.Error.raise: terminating execution

    115fb2 stack error, SP = 0xcf34.

    xdc.runtime.Error.raise: terminating execution

    Are we overflowing the system stack?