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A fellow engineer installed the latest CCS yesterday and it cannot resolve COM_TI_RTSC_TIRTOSTIVAC_INSTALL_DIR.  It comes up blank. He is using whichever CCS was current yesterday and the rest of us are using 6.0.0 from last year.

I did "fgrep -r COM_TI_RTSC_TIRTOSTIVAC_INSTALL_DIR ." and got nothing that indicates where an actual Windows path is assigned to that variable.

I will make the observation that the XDC crap makes our life one hundred times worse than if you had just created some sort of makefile tooling that we can nail down an actual environment that can be copied from machine to machine. You *HAVE NOT* made things easier!!!

We run into this type of configuration issue for *every* new engineer we bring onto TI tools.  Very frustrating.....

  • As a further note I find the INSTALL_DIR string in two plugin.xml files on my working system. It appears that he should have the following from when he install of the RTOS and the variable should resolve correctly:
    name="TI-RTOS for TivaC Target Content"
    provider-name="Texas Instruments">

    <extension point="org.eclipse.rtsc.xdctools.ui.productInfo">
    <repository location="../../../packages"/>
    <repository location="../../../products/bios_6_40_01_15/packages"/>
    <repository location="../../../products/ndk_2_23_01_01/packages"/>
    <repository location="../../../products/uia_2_00_00_28/packages"/>
    <docs location="../../../."/>
    <docs location="../../../docs"/>
    <docs location="../../../docs/doxygen/html"/>
    <rtscTarget sourceFile="products/bios_6_40_01_15/etc/targets.json"/>
    <rtscPlatform name="ti.platforms.arm"/>
    <rtscPlatform name="ti.platforms.tiva"/>
    <rtscPlatform name="ti.platforms.evmLM3S9B92"/>
    <rtscPlatform name="ti.platforms.stellaris"/>
    <rtscPlatform name="ti.platforms.generic"/>
    <rtscPlatform name="ti.platforms.gccLM3S9B90RAM"/>
    <rtscPlatform name="ti.platforms.evmLM3S8962"/>
    <rtscPlatform name="ti.platforms.simCM3"/>
    <rtscPlatform name=""/>
    <rtscPlatform name=""/>
    <rtscPlatform name="ti.uia.examples.platforms.evmTI816X.dsp"/>
    <rtscPlatform name="ti.uia.examples.platforms.evmTI816X.vpss"/>
    productName="TI-RTOS for TivaC"

    <extension point="org.eclipse.rtsc.xdctools.model.productView">

    <extension point="org.eclipse.rtsc.xdctools.managedbuild.core.rtscProductTypes">
    name="TI-RTOS for TivaC"
    folderPrefix="TI-RTOS for TivaC"

    <extension point="org.eclipse.rtsc.xdctools.managedbuild.core.rtscProducts">
    <resources location="resources"/>
  • OK, so after a lot of fiddling with projects and workspaces, we found the answer to this issue.

    Just because you installed TI RTOS on your machine *does not* add it to the set of products that CCSv6 knows about.

    Here are some suggestions for fixing this once you get to a point that you cannot build your buddy's projects on your machine (Does not apply if you are starting from scratch):
    1) Copy the projects into a clean directory. *Do Not* use the default directory for your workspace.
    2) Do not check the box on the first dialog that says use this directory as the default workspace.!!!! If you have already done that, the *only* way to fix it is to open {INSTALL_DIR}\ccsv6\eclipse\configuration\.settings\org.eclipse.ui.ide.prefs and make sure you have this line:
    Close CCSv6 and start it up again with the new workspace.
    3) When CCSv6 starts it will tell you that it has found TIRTOS and probably XDCTOOLS as products that are not installed. Say yes to let CCSv6 install those products into its database.
    4) Now that you have a clean workspace, you can import the projects into the workspace. Again, just because you copied the projects into the workspace directory, *they are not* in the workspace! You want to select FILE/IMPORT to import "Existing Projects into Workspace" from the General list and *not* the Code Composer Studio list. *DO NOT* select the "Search for nested projects" or you will get a million nested directories that Windows will not allow you to delete.

    Again, DO NOT select the "Search for nested projects" box or you will have a dickens of a time trying to figure out how to get Windows to delete those million character path names!!!! (I have found that when you do this, you have to go only part way down and start deleting files and directories. It is a real adventure figuring out which directories Windows can figure out how to delete. Sometimes you need to move sub-trees to the root of the drive before you can continue.)

    You should now have CCSv6 set up with the TI RTOS and your projects should build correctly
  • Glad to see this was resolved.