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WEC7 for AM3354 vs. AM3358

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: AM3358, AM3354

We have a WEC7 OS design that is working well for the AM3354 processor.  We recently changed to an AM3358 processor and are seeing large delays in some of the display routines, mainly related to refreshing the screen when selecting items from a listbox.  We are running managed VB.Net code. 

Does anyone know if there are any changes necessary to the OS when using an AM3358 vs. AM3354 processor?  Our OS and .NET application are stored on an SD card.  I can change the SD card from a system that has an AM3354 and it runs smoothly, I can take the same card and put it in a system that has an AM3358 and it has the delay. 

The 3354 is running at 800Mhz and the 3358 is running at 1000Mhz.  Boot times are faster on the 3358, which confirms the system is actually running at the faster speed, so why is the screen refresh slower?  I'm assuming that I need to change something in the OS related to the 3358 processor, but I can't seem to find anything. 

  • You could try using the CE profiler to see where the time is spent on the 3358.

    For instance, start profiling by calling
    ProfileStart(200, PROFILE_BUFFER);
    ...and finish with

    Results will be printed as debug output, typically RS-232.

    More details in MSDN -
  • Any luck yet ? The 1000MHz version was faster in our test (bots the same AM3354 any way).
    Coudl it be that the 1000MHz also refreshes the screen more times every second = leaving less time for the CPU to access the memory ?
  • It ended up being related to a plugin we were using for the GUI controls, Bee Mobile iPack.  There was some discrepancy between DLL versions.  Once we go that straightened out, it ran fine on the AM3358.  I'm still not sure why the CPU's behaved differently with the same code, but it's straightened out now. 

    I was worried that there was something that I needed to change in the OS, but it's all working fine now with no changes required to the OS.