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TPD12S016: SDA/SCL_B pin capacitance

Part Number: TPD12S016


We just had some HDMI compliance tests run on our unit which incorporates your TPB12S016.  We failed DDC/CEC Line Capacitance and Voltage.  The Capacitance is too high 650p on SDA  and 950p on SCL. 

While I do not have a LCR bridge that can be set per the test procedure (bias 2.5V, AC voltage 3.5V, Freq 100K) using my LCR bridge (10K, 1V, no bias)  I measure a total Jig+unit capacitance of ~30p without the chip, and 120/190p with the chip (Jig capacitance ~12p). 

We are connected as a sink, SDA/SCL go to port B.  My interpretation of your data sheet shows input C at 15p.  My measured connector/track capacitance is ~18p, so 18p + your 15p  would be 33p and within the speced 50p max...  

Any feedback would be helpful

