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TI WDF USBUART Single Driver (Rev. A) for TUSB3410 WCK failure


I'm trying to update to the latest TI WDF USBUART Single Driver (Rev. A) for a USB to serial driver. We have modified the INF file with changed VID/PID as well as serenum for our purposes. It was found that when the EDT filter driver(msdmfilt.sys) is enabled, the PNP and Fuzz tests freeze when the Enable() command is executed.

Any ideas what could be causing this? Should we be updating to a new firmware to go with this new driver?

  • Hello Michael,

    Could you tell me what is the version of your WHCK? And if you have any QFE installed?



  • Hello Aldo.

    It was run for us under HCK for Windows 8.1 RTM with QFE 11.​



  • Hello Michael,

    Have you tried to run this tests with the default driver (TI WDF USBUART Single Driver (Rev. A))? I'm looking into what could it be causing this issue. Also, is your test system Windows 7 or Windows 8.1? Are you testing it in a USB2 port or USB3?



  • Unfortunately, the test is being performed for us by another company, so I'm limited in the number of times we can run tests before the price goes up. The test is being performed for both 7 and 8.1 but I believe in this case it was the 8.1 test. As to USB type I copy the response email I got from the testing company below:

    Per WHC guidelines, tests on Windows 7 are run through a USB 2.0 controller to a USB 2 hub.  On Windows 8.1, tests are run through a USB 3.0 controller connected to a USB 2.0 hub. USB 3.0 hubs are only used for USB 3.0 devices on Windows 8.1, the device under test is USB 2.0.

    Thanks for your help,


  • Hi Michael,

    What are the changes that you made to the INF file? Only VID/PID? If you want to certificate your driver, there is an option on the Microsoft Site where you can use our results to certificate your driver, but only if there are minimal changes (like VID/PID). Regarding to the serenum.sys, I don't know if it can be causing these freezing tests, but i have my suspicions that this could be the causer. Have you tried without modifying this Windows Driver?



  • Hi, Aldo.

    I disabled serenum by commenting out the following line in [umpusbvista.NT.HW.AddReg]:  

    HKR,,"UpperFilters", 0x00010000, "serenum"

    This is necessary for the device to function properly with the device we are connecting it to. My impression was that having disabled serenum, the driver would no longer count as minimally changed. Was this incorrect?

    However I had also commented out the "Needs=SerialEnumerator.NT" and "Needs=SerialEnumerator.NT.Services" lines which does not appear to have been necessary. Does that seem likely to have been the problem?

    I apologize if this should all be painfully obvious. I'm pretty outside of my usual domain on this project.

    Thanks again for your help.


  • Hi Mike,

    That's correct, that isn't a minimal change. Could you send to my email the INF file that you are using? I want to run it some test in our WHQL machines.

