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Need help regarding USB hub controller

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TUSB8041, TUSB8040A1, TUSB2036


i m very new to ti's IC's. I m looking for USB HUB controller for 2 port. in my instrument there is one cable is of camera and other is of lcd . and i want to connect it to PC. rather than keeping two wire i want one wire only to connect to PC. So user cannot get confuse.

So which hub controller can suite my application. 

is there any drawback to use USB hub.

I have doubt in my mind is that if two new usb devices connect to pc via hub then is there any conflict while doing enumeration?

  • Hello,

    We have a variety of hubs depending on your needs, if you require only full-speed operation then the best solution would be the TUSB2036, if you require high-speed or super-speed operation then we have the TUSB8040A1 or the TUSB8041, if you only require up to high-speed operation we are in the process of releasing a high-speed 4-port hub.


  • Hello, 

    You can use the TUSB2036
     hub provides up to three downstream ports in compliance with the USB 2.0 specification as full-speed.

    The hub silicon can accurately reflect the system port configuration by the NP3 and NPINT1-0 terminals. When
    NP3 is low, the hub is configured as a 3-port hub; when it is high, the hub is configured as a 2-port hub. The
    NPINT1-0 terminals tell the hub silicon how many ports have permanently attached devices. Please, refer to the TUSB2036 datasheet ("System Port Configuration" section). 


  • thanks for suggestion. Do you have schematic or evalution board of this controller for my reference. 

  • Hello, 

    The link below contains information about the TUSB2036 evaluation module (EVM) board.





  • Dear sir,

    Thank you for giving link. I have doubt that normally USB hub are present in market is so small compare to evelution board.

    So is it possible to reduce the size of this hub controller board.

  • Hello any one know why this circuit is bit bulkier.

    I really want to integrate it in our product.

  • Hello,

    The TUSB2036's EVM was designed to evaluate all the features of the device, it is intended to be a mass production hub.


  • Thank you for quick reply.

    If i do schematic shown in typical application then will it work?

    one more doubt is my one connection is camera and other is HID class device then will it transfer all data with full speed.?

  • Hello,

    The Hub does not "decide" the data speed, that is a negotiation between the Device and the Host, if your devices are full-speed then the hub will transfer data for both devices at full-speed.

    Yes, if you implement the reference schematic it should work.


  • Thank you for supporting me.

    I have design the schematic for the 2 port as i require.

    my old doubts remain as it is. 

    If i connect new two devices to usb hub and connect usb hub to new PC then what will happen with enumeration?

    Will three of the device get recognize ?

    Actually what will happen in this condition.?

  • Hello,

    Yes, your three devices will be enumerated.  When the USB hub’s upstream port is attached to PC, the hub will be enumerated as a Generic USB Hub. In the downstream direction, hubs operate in a broadcast mode. If its downstream ports are enabled and the hub detects the start of a packet on its ports, it establishes connectivity to all enabled downstream ports. If a port is not enabled, it does not propagate packet signaling downstream.

    Figure 11-2 shows the packet signaling connectivity behavior for hubs in the upstream and downstream directions.

    Please, refer to the USB 2.0 Spec (section 11.8.3 ) for more in-depth information about it 


  • sir i have one question that, is resistor and capacitors are need in the data line? i have refer TI's demo board circuit.
    Here is the image with indicated by red circle.
  • Hello,
    Yes, those components are required by the USB Spec