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XIO2001: REFCLK input voltage level definition for XIO2001

Part Number: XIO2001


In theXIO2001 data sheet, I can find the "AC peak common mode input voltage", which is 140mV max. In the comment for this voltage, you can see that you need VRX-CM-DC to calculate this voltage.

But I can not find any limiting values for VRX-CM-DC.  I this correct?

When I drive the REFCLK pins with a LVDS clock source, the XIO2001 is not able to generate the 33MHz PCI-Clock:

Do you have any idea why?

Regards, Niels

  • Hi Niels,

    Your REFCLK looks okay, but there may be an issue with the PLL not locking correctly during the power-up sequence. GRST needs to be asserted after VDD_15/VDDA_15, VDD_33/VDDA_33 and PCIR. See below waveform for reference (from page 22 of the datasheet):

    Can you try asserting GRST after power-up to see if you get an output clock? Additionally, a 0.2uF cap needs to be placed on GRST to ensure it is asserted after the aforementioned parameters.



  • Hello I.K.

    The 1.5V are made by an LDO from the 3.3V, so they ramp up quite simultaneously.

    PCIR has a 1k Ohm Pullup to 3.3V and a 100nF Capacitor to GND.

    GRST# is left unconnected as it has an internal Pullup. We use the XIO2001 in the BGA package. So despite the fact that GRST# is located in one corner of the grid, it will be hard to attach anything to it. But I will try.

    As a test, I have modified my REFCLK-Termination from 100 Ohm differential to two 100 Ohm resistors connected to GND. The result is that the common mode voltage is reduced, differential voltage swing is reduced, but the XIO2001 is able to generate the 33MHz PCI-Clock:

    Next, I removed the Termination completely. The REFCLK looks quite ugly, but the XIO2001 is able to work with it:

    Do you have any explanation for this behaviour?

    Regads, Niels

  • Dear I.K.

    If GRST really has the mandatory requirement for a 0.2uF Capacitor, this would be in contradiction to the "XIO2001 Implementation guide" SCPA045, which states in section 5.2:
    "If the system designer has no need for a custom reset, the GRST terminal can simply be left floating. An
    internal active pullup resistor will guarantee a non-reset state."

    And in the "XIO2001 Evaluation Module (EVM) User's Guide" SCPU031, I found the following:
    "Pin 9 on the J1 header is a global reset (GRST ) for the XIO2001. Driving this pin low will cause all registers and state machines within the XIO2001 to return to a default power-up state. This pin generally must remain disconnected."
    The schematic shows that the EVM has no capacitor on GRST.

    Regards, Niels
  • Dear I.K.

    here are some pictures of my power-up sequence:

    A closeup on the rising power-supplies:

    And an image that inculdes the PERST signal:

    As an additional test, I removed the capacitor from PCIR so it ramps up simultaneously with the 3.3V supply. This does not change the missbehaveourof the PCI-clock.

  • I.K.,

    thanks to the fact that the GRST# pin is in one of the corners of the BGA package!
    I took a very thin enameled wire, soldered one end to ground and removed a bit of insulation from the other end.
    After checking the pin location several times, I cautiously moved the wire under the BGA until it jolt the GRST ball. At this moment, the PCI-clock disapeared from my scope. As soon as I removed the wire from GRST#, the PCI-clock returns. Faulty as it was before.

    A subsequent GRST# low pulse does not help.

    Regards, Niels
  • Hi Niels,

    The 0.2uF capacitor is not mandatory, just an additional safeguard to ensure GRST comes up after the other signals. It does not look like that is the issue here though.

    So if you switch from differential to single-ended termination the 33 MHz PCI-Clock is generated successfully? In that case there may be an issue with the differential termination and the clock source. Can you provide a clearer image of the REFCLK signals from your very first image?

  • Good morning I.K.,

    the following picture shows the PCI-Clock (CH 1), REFCLK+ (CH 3), REFCLK- (CH 4) and the differential REFCLK (CH M).

    And here's another one that shows only REFCLK+ and REFCLK- as a closeup. This picture was taken with a fade-out ime of 30 seconds:

    Does this help?

    In principle, this is exactly the termination that is recommended for the LVDS clock driver: A 100 Ohm resistor between REFCLK+ and REFCLK-. But exactly this configuration fails.

    If I change the termination to two separate 100 Ohm resistors, one connected from REFCLK+ to GND and the other from REFCLK- to GND, the XIO2001 works.

    The XIO2001 also works if I remove the termination from REFCLK.

    Are there any limitations for the DC common mode input voltage of REFCLK?

    Regards, Niels

  • Hy I.K.

    here is another scope shot of my clocks.

    I modified the termination toachieve 850mV Common Mode Voltage, and the XIO2001 works:

    (Fade-out ime for this picture was 30 seconds)

    Regards, Niels

  • Hi Niels,

    Thank you for the waveforms. I am still looking into your inquiry about limitations for the DC common mode input voltage of REFCLK. I agree that the differential termination should be okay since that is the recommended termination for LVDS clock drivers, so I am unsure why the first termination configuration does not work but others do. I will update as soon as I have more information for you.

  • Hi Niels,

    Apologies for the late update. The DC common mode range for the differential REFCLK is roughly 150mV to 650mV. From your waveform, it is in this range when you have 100 ohm differential termination so this is not the issue. Can you try 50 ohm singled-ended termination on each REFCLK line and see if you get an output clock? And can you also try 200 ohm differential termination?

  • Hi I.K.,

    With 100 Ohm differential termination, REFCLK has a DC common mode voltage of 1250mV, which is a bit more than the 650mV you sugeseted as maximum for the XIO2001.
    You can see it in my message from "Jul 7, 2017 10:34 AM"

    I already tried 100 Ohm single-ended termination on each REFCLK line and get no valid output clock (my message from "Jul 6, 2017 11:56 AM")

    But why does it work without any termination?
    The REFCLK DC common mode voltage without termination is the same as with 100 Ohm differential termination: 1250mV
    Only the differential voltage swing differs:
    400mV for 100 Ohm differential Termination
    1200mV without termination

    Do you have any explanation?

    Regards, Niels

  • Hi Niels,

    By 50 ohm single-ended termination I mean try putting a 50 ohm resistor to ground on REFCLK+ and a 50 ohm resistor to ground on REFCLK-, and see if it works. I would also like to know if you can get it to work with 200 ohm differential termination.

    Also, I was looking at the incorrect signal on your waveform. The differential voltage swing(s) are within specifications of the datasheet, but the 1250mV does indeed exceed the range I suggested. Sorry for the confusion. I will continue investigating this issue to provide you with an explanation. Additionally, do you mind telling me what you're using as an LVDS clock source?

  • Hello I.K.,

    here is the scope shot with 50 Ohm single ended Termination (putting a 50 ohm resistor to ground on REFCLK+ and a 50 ohm resistor to ground on REFCLK-):

    The differential volatege swing is quite small ( app. 300mV), but it works.

    And now the scope shot with 200 Ohm differential termination:

    It works, despite the fact that it'S DC common mode voltage is 1250mV.

    The clock source is a DSC1103CI5-100.000


    This looks like a DC common mode voltage dependant differential voltageswing requirement, but I can't imagine that TI would build such a crazy input buffer.

    Do you have any explanation for this behaviour?

    Regards, Niels

  • Hi Niels,

    So 50 ohm single-ended termination on each line works? (I can't see the image you uploaded for that). This is strange because 50 ohm single-ended termination on each line is essentially the exact same thing as 100 ohm differential termination. Additionally, 200 ohm differential termination is the same as 100 ohm single-ended termination on each line, yet your waveforms seem to be different for these schemes.

    Also, I've verified with others that the DC common mode voltage and differential voltage swing isn't the issue. I'm sorry but I do not have an explanation for this behavior. Since 50 ohm single-ended termination works I would use that configuration since it is the same as the 100 ohm differential termination recommended for LVDS.

  • I.K.,

    I edited my last post so you should now be able to see the image.
    Don't know what went wrong during my original posting. as a compensation, I didn't get an e-mailalert of your last post. :-)

    Yes, 100 Ohm differential and 2x50 Ohm to GND should be nearly the same. One difference is that the 100 Ohm differential termination misses the reference to GND, which leads to a different common mode voltage. As the LVDS output tries to achieve 1.2V common mode voltage, the 2x50 Ohm termination to GND adds a "dc-load" to the LVDS output, which leads to a smaller differential voltage swing (and 100mV less common mode voltage).

    If you have any additional ideas during the weekend, please let me know.
    (hope never dies).

    I am still looking forward to your anwsers.

    Reagrds, Niels
  • Hi Niels,

    I hope you are enjoying your weekend. Thank you for explaining the difference between 50 ohm singled-ended termination and 100 ohm differential termination. That helped lead me to the conclusion below:

    Though you are feeding REFCLK+/- a differential signal, it looks like the terminals are still referenced to ground. See table below from datasheet:

    So with 100 ohm differential termination, the low level input is out of spec. (Vil-se max is 0.99V on datasheet, but from you waveform it is a little over 1V) This would explain the unbalanced output you see on PCI-Clock. All of your other waveforms where you were able to successfully generate the PCI-Clock have the REFCLK inputs within the single-ended  h/l and differential pk-pk specification. So visually, the REFCLK levels for 100 ohm differential termination for this device would result in the PCI-Clock output in the figure below:

    So technically there kind of is a DC common mode limitation. Please let me know your opinion of this explanation.



  • I.K.,

    I agree that it looks like a dc common voltage limitation. But is seems as if this common mode limitation also has a correlation with the differential voltage swing.

    And why is this limitation not listed in the datasheet?

    Regards, Niels

  • Hi Niels,

    Why do you believe there's correlation between the differential voltage swing and common mode? The differential swing specification is listed in the datasheet (in the table in my post above). And the common mode limitation is not explicitly a limitation on the common mode, but a limitation on the single-ended REFCLK input voltage levels (also listed in the datasheet in the table above). I agree that should be made more clear in the datasheet though.

  • I.K.,

    I think that there is a correlation between differential voltage swing and commoon mode voltage, because the clock input works at 1250mV DC common mode voltage when the differential voltage swing is 1200mV. With 800mV differential voltage swing and 1250mV DC common mode voltage, the clock input fails.

    But with a common mode voltage below 850mV, the clock input works with a differential voltage swings as low as 300mV.

    Regards, Niels

  • Hi Niels,

    I see your point. I will look into this more and provide an update as soon as I am able.

  • Hi Niels,

    Apologies for the late update. Unfortunately, we are still not aware of any correlation between Vcm and Vdiff for the REFCLK. It is possible that this is a corner case issue. Can you try configuring the output clock to 50MHz and 25 MHz and see if the issue remains?

  • Dear I.K.,

    I'm sorry but I can't change the PCI-Clock to 25MHz because there is no way to access PCLK66_SEL.
    It is an inner ball of the BGA package and has no connections on our PCB since we rely on the internal pullup.

    Regards, Niels

  • Hi Niels,

    Unfortunately I am still unable to provide an explanation for this behavior. The consensus has been that there should be no correlation between Vdiff and Vcm, so other than this being a corner case issue for that particular unit, I do not have a satisfactory answer for the root cause.

    For now I would recommend using a termination scheme that allows you to successfully generate the output PCI-Clock.

  • I.K.
    thank you for your efforts.
    Let me summarize this case so that future users do not have to read throughthe whole thread:

    If I use an LVDS clock (1,2V common mode) with the usual 100 Ohm termination to drive the XIO2001 REFCLK pins, it does not work.
    But it works if I either
    - remove the 100 Ohm Termination resistor so the differential voltage swing increases
    - reduce the common mode voltage of REFCLK to 850mV or below. The differential voltage swing can be very small in this case.

    So the minimum differential voltage swing needed for the XIO2001 REFCLK input seems to depend on the common mode voltage.
    Unfortunately, TI has no explanation for this behaviour.
    My personal recommendation for all XIO2001 users is to drive the REFCLK pins by all means with a HCSL clock driver.

    Regards, Niels