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Can TPD12S015A be used for HDMI RX port?

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPD12S015A, TPD12S520, TPD13S523


As per TPD12S015A datasheet, it is called HDMI Companion chip. Since it has DC-DC step up converter and 5V output, it seems to be for HDMI Transmitter use. But no where in datasheet it is mentioned as to be used only for HDMI TX. 

We have used this for HDMI RX port. We have left the HPD pin floating and we have external logic for HPD. We are able to detect the HDMI source connection with this HPD logic. Even the HDMI source is able to read EDID values from our RX port. 

We want to be very much sure if we are in right direction and this chip can be used for HDMI RX port. If there is anything related HDMI RX Port compliance which is not available with this TPD12S015A, then we must not use it. Can you help us know about this ?

We also have doubt on internal Pull up resistor 1.75k on SDA_B and SCL_B pins of this chip. The HDMI specifications for Receive port mentions 47k pull up.

Is it valid to use TPD12S015A for HDMI RX ?



  • Hello Mihir,

    In this case the HDMI transmitter will have pullups on the I2C bus. TPD12S015A level shifters will not pull down both its own pull-up resistor and another external one parallel to it, such as would be the case here. For this reason we cannot recommend the TPD12S015A be used on reciever side. TPD12S520 is designed to provide protection for the reciever port.



    Guy Yater

  • Thanks Yater,

    We switched to TPD13S523 as we wanted HDMI1.4 support. Following is the new circuit for HDMI Receiver port.

    Since this TPD13S523 is not having any pull ups or level shifter inside, we have kept relative circuit outside. We do not find any reference EVM for HDMI Rx Port with this TPD13S523, so we are not sure if the changes are good enough.

    Can you pls. help us in confirming the changes to meet HDMI 1.4 specs requirement?