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INT-TXS0108E oscillation for SPI channels, while TXB0108 work

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TXB0108, TXS0108E

Hi Team,

I have one urgent issue from automotive customer.

Customer is using TXS0108E for both SPI and I2C, but find that SPI channels have oscillation, after changing to TXB0108, SPI work now, while I2C would then fail as expected.

I checked from some spec and app note, that TXS0108E should work for both open-drain and push-pull application, could TXS0108E be used for SPI ? What should cause the abnormal issue ?

(I was thinking the retrigger of O.S causing the oscillation, but if so, it should also happens even changing to TXB0108, or might be worse, as the O.S timeout is shorter as 10ns, while TXS0108E is 10-30ns)


  • Hello Rocson,

    Thanks for the post.

    Do you have any screen shots of these oscillations on the scope?

    I can tell you this: The TXS is used for open drain. The TXB is not designed for open drain because it is designed for push-pull only. There is a 4k series impedance on the output drivers which would not allow for a low to be properly sent. For this reason, only TXS parts can be used for open drain.

    The TXS0108E should work for SPI, so if we can get a look at the waveform you're experiencing (with a schematic), that would be a great first place to start.