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HD3SS3212: USB-C IP67 Interface not working as USB 3.0

Part Number: HD3SS3212
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS25810, TUSB8041


We have produced a board with the circuit attached below. The differential pairs USB1_TX_DN P/N and USB1_RX_DN P/N, come from TUSB8041RGCR, which is also connected to 2x USB-C connectors, and 1x USB-A connector. The orientation control has NOT been applied to the 2x USB-C connectors, and they work as expected: USB 3.0/2.0 in one orientation, USB 2.0 in the other orientation. USB-A works as USB 3.0. However, the USB-C IP67, seen in the picture, seems to work in both orientations USB 2.0 only.

I have scoped OEn and SEL from U105 (TPS25810RVCT), and it seems OEn goes low when a USB device is connected. Also, SEL seems to be high by default, and when a device is connected, depending on the orientation, is high or low. So, these 2 signals seem to work correctly. Assuming that OEn is eventually low, why is USB 3.0 not working, at least in one of the orientations? Is there anything essentially wrong in the design?

Best regards,
