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DS90UB925Q-Q1: I2C interface output clks randomly

Part Number: DS90UB925Q-Q1

I have a issue where when I try reading a lot of data from a flash that is at the end of a chain that looks like this micro -> 926 ->cable -> 925 -> isolation -> 926-> cable -> 925 . Connected to the I2C bus of the 925 is a camera driver and a flash ic. I have noticed when writing or reading to the flash I get errors. I hooked up a logic analyzer and I see the 925 is putting out the correct SCL signal but then for some unknown reason the 925 appears to put out 8 extra clock cycles for no reason. Here is a screen shot of the extra clocks

The top trace shows the I2C bus on the 2nd 926 the bottom trace is the 2nd 925 that is connected to the flash. All transactions before this are correct but during this one you can see after the 925 get the ack from the flash device instead of the 925 sending that back to the 926 and waiting for the next command the 925 decides to send 8 clock pulses. After this I start seeing the ack get report from the 926 before the 925 send the ack. You can see this is the next packet as the top trace 926 reports the ack before the bottom trace 925 sends it. 

  • Jason,

    from this picture, it sounds you are reading data from UB925's slave ID? please check:

    1. what is the isolation in your link? and how the first ub925/926 link is connected to the second ub925/926 link including the i2c bus.

    2. if possible, please capture it with scope.


    best regards,


  • Since we need isolation in our system we take the (1st)925 data output and i2c signals and run those through a digital isolators. From the (2nd) 926 point of view it just sees the I2C input from the isolator as the master I2C interface. So I would think unless I see data on the I2C pins of the (2nd)926 I shouldn't see any data coming out of the (2nd)925. There are no I2C master devices on the (2nd)925 side that could cause these clocks pulses to happen.

    I will try to capture with a scope but it will be hard since this issue happens will trying to read 128 bytes of data and it doesn't always happen at the same time. I need to figure out a way to get the scope to trigger on this event.   I have 1.6k pull ups on the scl signal so it has fast rise times and I'm running the scl at 64khz.

  • Jason,

    Since the I2C communication needs bi-directional link, if you use the digital isolator, whether it can support: bi-direction, link bandwidth which are specified in FPD-Link?

    best regards,


  • Yes the isolator I'm using is si8600ad it is bidirectional.

    Some more info is things work it only fails when I start to send or get lots of data back to back in a short period of time. 

  • please provide the spec. of isolator:

    1. data bandwidth?

    2. bi-directional control?

    btw, when the issue is reported, please help measure the SCL/SDA in both isolator as well.



  • I could not find a listing for  bandwidth but it can support clock speeds up to 1.7Mhz.

    The control is built in there is no pin to toggle to set direction.

    Here is the full part number Si8600AD-B-IS. I'm setting up to get captures of data on both sides of the part. I will then short it out for now just to see if the issue goes away.

  • While doing more set up and debug I noticed that the extra clock pulses only happen after the first read command is set. 

    The order is write to 0x54 send 5 set up bytes followed by 128 dummy bytes that tell the I2c bridge how many bytes to read.

    Then I send a 0x55 read command and at this point I see the extra clock then I read the bytes that come from the I2C bridge.

    This happens after every read command is sent. In the image I attached before the values are shown in Decimal.

  • Sorry for all the messages but I thought I would give updates as I come across them so I don't forget while working on other things.

    New update is the clock issue I reported seems to be proper operation. The 926 or 925 not sure which seems to switch to a I2C master mode and when it sees the read command it outputs extra clocks to get data from the slace device so during the next read request the 926 will have the data to send back to my main master device. So that answers the clock question. But looking at it further I see during the read the main micro send a ack to the 926 after it gets a byte but for some reason not sure which device either the 926 doesn't send the ack to the 925 or the 925 gets it but is busy and never puts it out to the slave I2C device. I enclosed this pic that shows toward the end of this lock up. This shows after ~.257 sec the 926 seems to release the scl pin and then the master micro starts to send clocks to get more data. At this point the 926 seems to respond with 0xff for each request then once the master micro sends the nack to stop the read process the 926 goes back to normal operation and everything is good. Looking at register 0x04 in the 926 I see a BCC watch dog and the value there seems to be the same as my time out. So the question now is what could cause the 926 or 925 to get to this delay or lock up state? How do I check the quality of the channel link? I will run a test tomorrow to see if I disable the BCC watch dog does this happen or will it evenly send the ack out fro the 925.

  • Hi Jason,

    regarding the I2C over UB925/926, the latency is almost fixed at ~10us in the back channel. One possible is that maybe the link has bit error and then the I2C data would be discarded. you can check the error reg. inside UB925/926

    btw, can you measure the signal with oscilloscope between left side and right side of the isolator? this is to check if the isolate would cause this issue. if they are same, it means the isolator has no problem here.

    best regards,
