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TUSB320: Can this device enable a USB data host device to act as a power sink while still behaving as a DFP/Host for data.

Part Number: TUSB320

Specifically I want to use the device to enable a Host Device with DFP data to act as a Power Sink at the same time.

The TUSB32x series comes up when I use the TI product selector with a filter for Data Role set to DRD within the USB products. However the features (which i have extracted below) specify it as being DRP. Which is then further definedt as dual-role-ports which is confusing as it does not clarify whether its dual role power or dual role data. This is confusing me as i searched for DRD but was given a device with DRP features and DRP doesnt seem to mean the same thing as it does in the USB standards. Can this device enable a data host to sink power as per the extract from the specificationI posted below


Extract from the features list TUSB32x series has:

3 Mode Configurations:

Host Only – DFP (Source)

Device Only – UFP (Sink)

Dual Role Port – DRP

Extract from USB PD Specification Rev2.0 V1.2 Section Dual-Role Data Ports
Dual-Role Data Ports have the ability to operate as either a DFP or a UFP and to swap between the two roles using Data Role Swap. Note that products can be Dual-Role Data Ports without being Dual-Role Power ports i.e. they can switch logically between DFP and UFP roles even if they are Source-only or Sink-only Ports.

Extract from the USB-C Product Matrix specification :

DRP as Dual-Role Power Ports, which can change power direction without affecting data direction

DRD as Dual-Role Data Ports, which can change data direction without affecting power direction