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Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DS80PCI810, DS80PCI800

Dear Sirs

What is the difference of VOD Vp-p and INNER Amplitude Vp-p?



  • Hi Nat,

    Are you referring to the DS80PCI800? The document you have pasted is for the DS80PCI800, not the DS80PCI810.

    In the DS80PCI800, setting the de-emphasis value (DEM) to anything other than 0 dB will result in the inner amplitude being reduced by the amount in dB of the de-emphasized waveform. VOD Vp-p is the full peak-to-peak differential voltage swing, while the Inner Amplitude Vp-p is the peak-to-peak value of the de-emphasized waveform. A better pictorial explanation is shown below:


    VTX-DE-EMPH-PP: Inner Amplitude Vp-p

    Note that this capability only is in the DS80PCI800. The DS80PCI810 does not have de-emphasis capability.

