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Part Number: DS90UB953-Q1

Hi team,

If the HS PLL is unlocked after it has been locked, please tell me as many events as possible its causes.

For PLL of 954, that is, FPD-LINK, we come up with factors such as cables, connectors, layout and register setting, but in the case of 953 HS PLL, if there are factors other than jitter of the input clock please tell me.

Best regards,

Tomoaki Yoshida

  • Hi Yoshida-san,

    For the 953, this will depend on the clocking mode of the 953. In synchronous mode, excessive jitter in the back channel may cause the HS PLL to lose lock. Jitter on the back channel may also be affected by the cable, connectors, etc.

    In non-synchronous mode, the HS PLL may lose lock if the reference clock frequency is not within range or with excessive jitter on the input clock.
