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Guru 13485 points
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: AM26LV32, SN75172

I’m using Differential  Line receiver (AM26LV32) in my board and I’m looking for differential buffer to split my entrance differential pair to four differential pairs. [TIA/EIA-422-B]


A (Differential) à A1, A2, A3, A4 (Differential)

B (Differential)  à B1, B2, B3, B4 (Differential)

Index (Differential)  à Index_1,….. Index_4 (Differential)

  • Hi Eli,

    I'm not aware of a single device that could do the 1:4 fan-out function for RS-422, but have you considered connecting the "Y" output of each AM26LV32 channel to all four single-ended inputs of a quad differential driver (like SN75172)?

    For example, for the "Index" signal could could connect "Index" (differential) to AM26LV32's differential input, then connect the corresponding single-ended output to SN75172's 1A, 2A, 3A, and 4A inputs.  The 1Y/1Z differential output could then be used for the "Index_1" (differential) signal, the 2Y/2Z differential output could be used for "Index_2" (differential), etc.

    Best regards,