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CAN Error signals ! TMS320F28377D INTERFACED WITH SN65HVD230QD !

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We have interfaced TMS320F28377D  with  SN65HVD230QD for CAN communication on a custom board.  

Always see CAN error signals on CANH and CANL . 

Please find the interface circuit and waveforms below/attached.



  • Hi Prashanth,

    Thank you for the questions!

    From the information provided I am not able to determine exactly what is causing your issue. The voltages on the bus waveform you provided look to be inline with what the datasheet limits are (i.e. Vod is ~2V and the recessive level is ~2V). Is there a problem at the protocol level that could be causing the error? Can you probe the D, R, and CANH/CANL pins when DSP is sending a message to see that the physical layer is working properly? I am curious to see if the message makes it to the bus, comes out on the R pin of the same device. Can you also probe the driver of one node and the receiver of another node to see if messages are making it through the connection?