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TPS65982: Overheating ISSUE of the PD IC

Part Number: TPS65982

We are in the Testing stage of the board.

We have two type-c interfaces in our board(type c1 and type c2). Both the interfaces have the same schematics and each have their own power delivery ic. But the heating issue is seen only in the type C2 PD in the three of the boards. We have isolated all the passives related to this ic and replaced it with the new one, the issue is still the same.The temperature of the IC is around 95 degree celsius.

  • Hi Ananthesh,

    Do you know if the failing type c2 devices are consuming more current than the passing ones?

    Thank you,
  • Hi Eric,

    I haven't seen much variation w.r.t current.

    But there is a some changes seen in the PD GPIOs.

    Among those 7 boards which consists of PD ic, we are seeing two boards PD ics are getting heated up quickly as soon as the board is powered ON also not inserted type c cable. Among those two PDs which are getting heated up, the one pd ic with its GPIO2(ENABLE), and GPIO3(AMSEL) both are high at the same time another board its GPIO2(ENABLE), and GPIO3(AMSEL) both are low; these GPIOs observations remains same for different mode. These two board's GPIOs are not changing and remains same as the above logical level for all the events.

    But in the working board we have seen these GPIOs are changing according to the events.


  • Hi Ananthesh,

    Can you confirm if the non-working boards are booting properly? The Mode Register should return APP if the device has loaded a configuration properly. The mode register is 0x3.

    Thank you,
  • Hi Eric,

    Thank you for your reply.
    The issue has been solved.
    I appreciate your great help.

    Best Regards,