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Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SN75175, AM26C32, AM26LV32E


I am working on SN75175. I didn't connect the inputs and outputs, just VCC, GND and EN pins are connected.

In this case supply current is about 50 mA.

Then I connect inputs VCC and GND it is not change. 

I guess it is not normal :).

What is the recommended connection?

Is the problem outputs?

(I am going to use it for Quadrature Encoder application)

Thank you for your comments.

  • Serkan,

    Unused inputs should never be left floating.  If you are just testing static power consumption of the chip, it is recommended to force a high or low value on the inputs with either pull-up or pull-down resistors.

    From the datasheet, with all outputs disabled the chip can draw up to 70 mA through the supply (pg 4).  I would recommend performing the test again with the inputs forced to ground, just to be sure a floating pin didn't cause problems.

  • Hi, 

    I test it again with the attached circuit diagram.

    I measured supply current 45 mA. Is this normal supply current for this device or am I missing something? 

    Because from the datasheet, "SUPPLY CURRENT (ALL RECEIVERS) vs SUPPLY VOLTAGE"  graph shows that outputs disabled and outputs enabled currents are very close(pg 8).

    I just want to know continuous current of this device when everything is ok. I am expecting 5-10 mA supply current when I am using 4 channel.

    Thank you. 

  • Serkan,

    From the graph you mentioned, 50 to 60 mA is the normal Icc for this part operating at 5 V.  Can you tell me more about your application?  Perhaps there is another part that might work better at a lower power consumption.

  • Thank you for quick return.
    I am going to use it for Quadrature Encoder application.
    There is 4 motor , and they have own encoders.
    I am going to read them with this line receiver.
    As you know encoders have A - A' , B- B' , I-I' connection. I am going to connect each of them to SN75175' s channels.
    Actually I can connect the encoder lines directly to microcontroller. I'm doing this because of motor noises. This way is more safer.
    If it is going to work about 50 mA , it is not worth it. So I need differential receiver which has lower power consumption.

    Thank you for your comments.
  • Serkan,

    AM26C32 (5V) and AM26LV32E (3.3V) will use less power.