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Logic in common

Hello EtE department.

Please sent this mail to somebody who is involved with industrial testing of  logic parts.

Talking about the price of simple logic parts, test time is about 30% of the total price.

So test time reduction is always an important goal.

Good day T.I. people,

I am sending this email while I think that have a useful idea that has the possibility to reduce test time for logic parts.

First of all, let me introduce myself:

I am a former NXP employee, now retired.

I did characterization of logic parts for more than 30 years. Several years ago I had this idea, but nobody had interest ore did not take the time to investigate what I meant.

So now it is your turn.

Set up of these tests make it possible to measure multiple (high current) outputs simulteaneously without any restriction.      

Please let me know if Texas Instruments is interested.

Peter Hendriks

Raafstraat  1

5451XM       Mill
