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SN74LVC1G123: Use SN74LVC1G123 to generate constant On-time pulse with external triggered square wave signal

Part Number: SN74LVC1G123
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SN74123

Hi All, I am trying to use SN74LVC1G123 as a constant On-time generator to convert an input square wave signal (~50% duty cycle) to the pulse signal with the same frequency and Constant On-time (programmed by R_EXT and C_EXT). My input signal comes from a logic inverter, and the steady state frequency can be adjusted between 1MHz to 5MHz. I used to use  SN74123 in a similar project and got a pretty constant On-time by using proper R_EXT and C_EXT.

However, right now I am using SN74LVC1G123 to save some PCB space, and I found that the On-time is constant (~120ns) when the input signal's frequency is above 2.5MHz. When the input frequency is between 1MHz to 2.5MHz, the On-time has a variation, and drops from 140ns at 1MHz to 120ns at 2.5MHz. The external components I am using is REXT=5.76K, and CEXT=10pF, VCC is a regulated 5.2V. Both R and C are 

I do not know why the On-time can have variation in the lower frequency range. Since my target is to achieve a relatively constant On-time in the entire frequency range, can someone tell me if there is a  quick fix by using some external components? Or if I have a use a similar product, can you suggest one with the same package and pinout?

Thank you!