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TMDSPLCKIT-V3 Connection to high DC voltage and current link

Good day everyone,

I develop a system with the TMDSPLCKIT-V3 in order to transmit information over a DC power link in a solar power plant. This kind of links usually have voltages around 1000 V and currents of 500 A.

I require to adapt the TMDSPLCKIT-V3 to this environment. From the schematic of the PLC modem (6378.PLC_Dock_E.pdf) I see that the components interfacing the power link would be for CENELEC A, the inductor L5 (15uH) and capacitor C13 (0.47uF @ 400V). These components are connected in series.

I suppose that the only change must be the capacitor for a higher DC voltage. But I would prefer to count with further advice.

I appreciate the help you can provide to me.


Diego Ballen Cantor