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CCS/RM48L952: Getting Jerk in driving three phase BLDC motor

Part Number: RM48L952
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: HALCOGEN, DRV8301,

Tool/software: Code Composer Studio

Hey there,

I am driving a three phase BLDC motor using XRM48L952ZWT control card

I have done my complete coding in Code Composer Studio

I have only enabled the GIO and HET drivers from HALCoGen while all of the controlling is being done through the code being burned.

here is my code 

/*Include Files*/
#include "sys_common.h"
#include "system.h"
#include "gio.h"
#include "het.h"

void het_setting()
	 hetREG1->DOUT = (0U << 31U)
	                 | (0U << 30U)
	                 | (0U << 29U)
	                 | (0U << 28U)
	                 | (0U << 27U)
	                 | (0U << 26U)
	                 | (0U << 25U)
	                 | (0U << 24U)
	                 | (0U << 23U)
	                 | (0U << 22U)
	                 | (0U << 21U)
	                 | (0U << 20U)
	                 | (0U << 19U)
	                 | (0U << 18U)
	                 | (0U << 17U)
	                 | (0U << 16U)
	                 | (0U << 15U)
	                 | (0U << 14U)
	                 | (0U << 13U)
	                 | (0U << 12U)
	                 | (0U << 11U)
	                 | (0U << 10U)
	                 | (0U << 9U)
	                 | (0U << 8U)
	                 | (0U << 7U)
	                 | (0U << 6U)
	                 | (0U << 5U)
	                 | (0U << 4U)
	                 | (0U << 3U)
	                 | (0U << 2U)
	                 | (0U << 1U)
	                 | (0U);

	    /** - Set HET pins direction */
	    hetREG1->DIR = 0xFFFFFFFFU
	                | 0x00000000U
	                | 0x00000000U
	                | 0x00000000U
	                | 0x00000000U
	                | 0x00000000U
	                | 0x00000000U
	                | 0x00000000U
	                | 0x00000000U
	                | 0x00000000U
	                | 0x00000000U
	                | 0x00000000U
	                | 0x00000000U
	                | 0x00000000U
	                | 0x00000000U
	                | 0x00000000U
	                | 0x00000000U
	                | 0x00000000U
	                | 0x00000000U
	                | 0x00000000U
	                | 0x00000000U
	                | 0x00000000U
	                | 0x00000000U
	                | 0x00000000U
	                | 0x00000000U
	                | 0x00000000U
	                | 0x00000000U
	                | 0x00000000U
	                | 0x00000000U
	                | 0x00000000U
	                | 0x00000000U
	                | 0x00000000U;

	    /** - Set HET pins open drain enable */
	    hetREG1->PDR = 0x00000000U
	                | 0x00000000U
	                | 0x00000000U
	                | 0x00000000U
	                | 0x00000000U
	                | 0x00000000U
	                | 0x00000000U
	                | 0x00000000U
	                | 0x00000000U
	                | 0x00000000U
	                | 0x00000000U
	                | 0x00000000U
	                | 0x00000000U
	                | 0x00000000U
	                | 0x00000000U
	                | 0x00000000U
	                | 0x00000000U
	                | 0x00000000U
	                | 0x00000000U
	                | 0x00000000U
	                | 0x00000000U
	                | 0x00000000U
	                | 0x00000000U
	                | 0x00000000U
	                | 0x00000000U
	                | 0x00000000U
	                | 0x00000000U
	                | 0x00000000U
	                | 0x00000000U
	                | 0x00000000U
	                | 0x00000000U
	                | 0x00000000U;

	    /** - Set HET pins pullup/down enable */
	    hetREG1->PULDIS = 0x00000000U
	                   | 0x00000000U
	                   | 0x00000000U
	                   | 0x00000000U
	                   | 0x00000000U
	                   | 0x00000000U
	                   | 0x00000000U
	                   | 0x00000000U
	                   | 0x00000000U
	                   | 0x00000000U
	                   | 0x00000000U
	                   | 0x00000000U
	                   | 0x00000000U
	                   | 0x00000000U
	                   | 0x00000000U
	                   | 0x00000000U
	                   | 0x00000000U
	                   | 0x00000000U
	                   | 0x00000000U
	                   | 0x00000000U
	                   | 0x00000000U
	                   | 0x00000000U
	                   | 0x00000000U
	                   | 0x00000000U
	                   | 0x00000000U
	                   | 0x00000000U
	                   | 0x00000000U
	                   | 0x00000000U
	                   | 0x00000000U
	                   | 0x00000000U
	                   | 0x00000000U
	                   | 0x00000000U;

	    /** - Set HET pins pullup/down select */
	    hetREG1->PSL = 0x00000000U
	                | 0x00000000U
	                | 0x00000000U
	                | 0x00000000U
	                | 0x00000000U
	                | 0x00000000U
	                | 0x00000000U
	                | 0x00000000U
	                | 0x00000000U
	                | 0x00000000U
	                | 0x00000000U
	                | 0x00000000U
	                | 0x00000000U
	                | 0x00000000U
	                | 0x00000000U
	                | 0x00000000U
	                | 0x00000000U
	                | 0x00000000U
	                | 0x00000000U
	                | 0x00000000U
	                | 0x00000000U
	                | 0x00000000U
	                | 0x00000000U
	                | 0x00000000U
	                | 0x00000000U
	                | 0x00000000U
	                | 0x00000000U
	                | 0x00000000U
	                | 0x00000000U
	                | 0x00000000U
	                | 0x00000000U
	                | 0x00000000U;

	    /** - Set HET pins high resolution share */
	    hetREG1->HRSH = 0x00000000U
	                 | 0x00000000U
	                 | 0x00000000U
	                 | 0x00000000U
	                 | 0x00000000U
	                 | 0x00000000U
	                 | 0x00000000U
	                 | 0x00000000U
	                 | 0x00000000U
	                 | 0x00000000U
	                 | 0x00000000U
	                 | 0x00000000U
	                 | 0x00000000U
	                 | 0x00000000U
	                 | 0x00000000U
	                 | 0x00000000U;

	    /** - Set HET pins AND share */
	    hetREG1->AND = 0x00000000U
	                 | 0x00000000U
	                 | 0x00000000U
	                 | 0x00000000U
	                 | 0x00000000U
	                 | 0x00000000U
	                 | 0x00000000U
	                 | 0x00000000U
	                 | 0x00000000U
	                 | 0x00000000U
	                 | 0x00000000U
	                 | 0x00000000U
	                 | 0x00000000U
	                 | 0x00000000U
	                 | 0x00000000U
	                 | 0x00000000U;

	    /** - Set HET pins XOR share */
	    hetREG1->XOR = 0x00000000U
	                 | 0x00000000U
	                 | 0x00000000U
	                 | 0x00000000U
	                 | 0x00000000U
	                 | 0x00000000U
	                 | 0x00000000U
	                 | 0x00000000U
	                 | 0x00000000U
	                 | 0x00000000U
	                 | 0x00000000U
	                 | 0x00000000U
	                 | 0x00000000U
	                 | 0x00000000U
	                 | 0x00000000U
	                 | 0x00000000U;

	/* USER CODE BEGIN (1) */
	    	    	hetREG1->PFR = (6U << 8U)
	    	                   | (0U);

hetSIGNAL_t Set_Duty_Period1,Set_Duty_Period2,Set_Duty_Period3,Set_Duty_Period4,Set_Duty_Period5,Set_Duty_Period6;

void main(void)



	unsigned int i=0,j,k,l,m,n,o;

	gioSetDirection(gioPORTA,0x10); //masking for EN_GATE
	gioSetBit(gioPORTA,4,1); // seeting bit for EN_GATE
	//gioSetDirection(gioPORTB,0x08); //masking for nFAULT
	//gioSetBit(gioPORTB,3,1); // seeting bit for nFAULT
	gioSetDirection(hetPORT1, 0xFFFFFFFF); //setting direction for all HET1 pins


//Ist Cycle
			/*start of for first loop*/
			gioSetBit(hetPORT1, 0,  1);  // output on PWM_AH
			gioSetBit(hetPORT1, 4,  0);  // output on PWM_BH
			gioSetBit(hetPORT1, 6,  1);  // output on PWM_BL
			//gioSetBit(hetPORT1, 10, 0);  // output on PWM_CL

				i++;          /* for high time of 16.8usec (do set a scale of 200usec on scope) */

			gioSetBit(hetPORT1, 0,  1);  // output on PWM_AH
			gioSetBit(hetPORT1, 4,  0);  // output on PWM_BH
			gioSetBit(hetPORT1, 6,  0);  // output on PWM_BL
			//gioSetBit(hetPORT1, 10, 0);  // output on PWM_CL

				i++;      	/* for low time of 16.8usec (do set a scale of 200usec on scope) */

		} /*end of for loop*/

//			gioSetBit(hetPORT1, 0,  0);  // output on PWM_AH
//			gioSetBit(hetPORT1, 4,  0);  // output on PWM_BH
//			gioSetBit(hetPORT1, 6,  0);  // output on PWM_BL
//			gioSetBit(hetPORT1, 10, 0);  // output on PWM_CL

			//2ND Cycle
				/*start of for first loop*/
				gioSetBit(hetPORT1, 0,  1);  // output on PWM_AH
				gioSetBit(hetPORT1, 4,  0);  // output on PWM_BH
//				gioSetBit(hetPORT1, 6,  0);  // output on PWM_BL
				gioSetBit(hetPORT1, 10, 0);  // output on PWM_CL

					i++;          /* for high time of 16.8usec (do set a scale of 200usec on scope) */

				gioSetBit(hetPORT1, 0,  1);  // output on PWM_AH
				gioSetBit(hetPORT1, 4,  0);  // output on PWM_BH
//				gioSetBit(hetPORT1, 6,  0);  // output on PWM_BL
				gioSetBit(hetPORT1, 10, 1);  // output on PWM_CL

					i++;      	/* for low time of 16.8usec (do set a scale of 200usec on scope) */

			} /*end of for loop*/

//				gioSetBit(hetPORT1, 0,  0);  // output on PWM_AH
//				gioSetBit(hetPORT1, 4,  0);  // output on PWM_BH
//				gioSetBit(hetPORT1, 6,  0);  // output on PWM_BL
				gioSetBit(hetPORT1, 10, 0);  // output on PWM_CL

				//3RD Cycle
					/*start of for first loop*/
					gioSetBit(hetPORT1, 0,  0);  // output on PWM_AH
					gioSetBit(hetPORT1, 4,  1);  // output on PWM_BH
					//gioSetBit(hetPORT1, 2,  0);  // output on PWM_AL
					gioSetBit(hetPORT1, 10, 1);  // output on PWM_CL

						i++;          /* for high time of 16.8usec (do set a scale of 200usec on scope) */

					gioSetBit(hetPORT1, 0,  0);  // output on PWM_AH
					gioSetBit(hetPORT1, 4,  1);  // output on PWM_BH
					//gioSetBit(hetPORT1, 2,  1);  // output on PWM_AL
					gioSetBit(hetPORT1, 10, 0);  // output on PWM_CL

						i++;      	/* for low time of 16.8usec (do set a scale of 200usec on scope) */

				} /*end of for loop*/

//				gioSetBit(hetPORT1, 0,  0);  // output on PWM_AH
//				gioSetBit(hetPORT1, 4,  0);  // output on PWM_BH
//				gioSetBit(hetPORT1, 2,  0);  // output on PWM_AL
//				gioSetBit(hetPORT1, 10, 0);  // output on PWM_CL

				//4TH Cycle
					/*start of for first loop*/
					gioSetBit(hetPORT1, 0,  0);  // output on PWM_AH
					gioSetBit(hetPORT1, 4,  1);  // output on PWM_BH
					gioSetBit(hetPORT1, 2,  0);  // output on PWM_AL
					//gioSetBit(hetPORT1, 10, 1);  // output on PWM_CL

						i++;          /* for high time of 16.8usec (do set a scale of 200usec on scope) */

					gioSetBit(hetPORT1, 0,  0);  // output on PWM_AH
					gioSetBit(hetPORT1, 4,  1);  // output on PWM_BH
					gioSetBit(hetPORT1, 2,  1);  // output on PWM_AL
					//gioSetBit(hetPORT1, 10, 0);  // output on PWM_CL

						i++;      	/* for low time of 16.8usec (do set a scale of 200usec on scope) */

				} /*end of for loop*/

//				gioSetBit(hetPORT1, 0,  0);  // output on PWM_AH
//				gioSetBit(hetPORT1, 4,  0);  // output on PWM_BH
//				gioSetBit(hetPORT1, 2,  0);  // output on PWM_AL
//				gioSetBit(hetPORT1, 10, 0);  // output on PWM_CL

				//5TH Cycle
				/*start of for first loop*/
				gioSetBit(hetPORT1, 4,  0);  // output on PWM_BH
				gioSetBit(hetPORT1, 8,  1);  // output on PWM_CH
				gioSetBit(hetPORT1, 2,  1);  // output on PWM_AL
				//gioSetBit(hetPORT1, 6,  0);  // output on PWM_BL

					i++;          /* for high time of 16.8usec (do set a scale of 200usec on scope) */

				gioSetBit(hetPORT1, 4,  0);  // output on PWM_BH
				gioSetBit(hetPORT1, 8,  1);  // output on PWM_CH
				gioSetBit(hetPORT1, 2,  0);  // output on PWM_AL
				//gioSetBit(hetPORT1, 6,  1);  // output on PWM_BL

					i++;      	/* for low time of 16.8usec (do set a scale of 200usec on scope) */

			} /*end of for loop*/

//			gioSetBit(hetPORT1, 4,  0);  // output on PWM_BH
//			gioSetBit(hetPORT1, 8,  0);  // output on PWM_CH
//			gioSetBit(hetPORT1, 2,  0);  // output on PWM_AL
//			gioSetBit(hetPORT1, 6,  0);  // output on PWM_BL

			//6TH Cycle
			/*start of for first loop*/
			gioSetBit(hetPORT1, 4,  0);  // output on PWM_BH
			gioSetBit(hetPORT1, 8,  1);  // output on PWM_CH
			//gioSetBit(hetPORT1, 2,  1);  // output on PWM_AL
			gioSetBit(hetPORT1, 6,  0);  // output on PWM_BL

				i++;          /* for high time of 16.8usec (do set a scale of 200usec on scope) */

			gioSetBit(hetPORT1, 4,  0);  // output on PWM_BH
			gioSetBit(hetPORT1, 8,  1);  // output on PWM_CH
			//gioSetBit(hetPORT1, 2,  0);  // output on PWM_AL
			gioSetBit(hetPORT1, 6,  1);  // output on PWM_BL

				i++;      	/* for low time of 16.8usec (do set a scale of 200usec on scope) */

		} /*end of for loop*/

//		gioSetBit(hetPORT1, 4,  0);  // output on PWM_BH
		gioSetBit(hetPORT1, 8,  0);  // output on PWM_CH
//		gioSetBit(hetPORT1, 2,  0);  // output on PWM_AL
		gioSetBit(hetPORT1, 6,  0);  // output on PWM_BL

			} /*end of while loop*/


				gioSetBit(hetPORT1, 0,  0); // output on PWM_AH

				i++;        	/* for low time of 600usec

			gioSetBit(hetPORT1, 4,  0); // output on PWM_BH
			gioSetBit(hetPORT1, 2,  0); // output on PWM_AL
			gioSetBit(hetPORT1, 6,  0); // output on PWM_BL

		{ /*start of the next for loop for AH
			gioSetBit(hetPORT1, 0,  1); // output on PWM_AH

				i++;       /* for high time of 16.8usec

			gioSetBit(hetPORT1, 0,  0); // output on PWM_BH

				i++;      	/* for low time of 16.8usec */

	 /*end of for loop

			gioSetBit(hetPORT1, 0,  0); // output on PWM_CH

				i++;        	/* for low time of 600usec

			gioSetBit(hetPORT1, 8,  0); // output on PWM_CH
			gioSetBit(hetPORT1, 2,  0); // output on PWM_AL
			gioSetBit(hetPORT1, 10,  0); // output on PWM_CL

		} /*termination of while(1)*/

	{ start of for first loop for BH
				gioSetBit(hetPORT1, 4,  1); // output on PWM_CH

				i++;       /* for high time of 16.8usec

				gioSetBit(hetPORT1, 4,  0); // output on PWM_CH

				i++;      	/* for low time of 16.8usec

	} /*end of for loop

			gioSetBit(hetPORT1, 4,  0); // output on PWM_CH

				i++;        	/* for low time of 600usec (do set a scale of 200usec)

	/*} /*termination of while(1)*/


/* gioSetBit(hetPORT1, 0,  0); // output on PWM_AH
   gioSetBit(hetPORT1, 2,  0); // output on PWM_AL
   gioSetBit(hetPORT1, 4,  0); // output on PWM_BH
   gioSetBit(hetPORT1, 6,  0); // output on PWM_BL
   gioSetBit(hetPORT1, 8,  0); // output on PWM_CH
   gioSetBit(hetPORT1, 10,  0); // output on PWM_CL */

after playing the code at no load(i.e. no motor is connected), the waveform appears as shown below:

but when I connect my three phase BLDC motor the output appears as shown below:

and the motors rotates with twice a jerk in a rotation. The major problem  of driving at load is that as the motor rotates with jerks, a lot of things are toggling on DRV8301 for example User LED 1 & 3, FAULT LED ,

and the "POW" LED of Control Card RM48L952

Please guide me as soon as possible

  • Hi Jimmy,

    What exactly are the traces in the oscilloscope screenshots?

    By 'jerk' you mean the rotation isn't at all smooth, correct? What scheme are you using to commutate the motor?
    Is it just a six-step commutation? Is there any sort of sensors / feedback controller or are you just driving commands to the motor and asking it to follow.

    (Also - assume you're not talking about 'jerk' as the time derivative of acceleration.. correct?)

    Best Regards