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Starterware/TMS570LS1227: Flexray network

Part Number: TMS570LS1227
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TMS570LS20216, HALCOGEN, TMS570LS3137

Tool/software: Starterware

Have anyone imprement Flexray network by TMS570LS1227?

The same flexray file are build in TMS570LS1227/TMSLS20216, TMS570LS1227 TX null frame, but TMS570LS20216 TX slot with payload data.

All the GTU / massage RAM config  is same configuration. (Same file) 

Cluster parament in below

Parameters Val(Hex/Dec) Unit
Number of nodes in the cluster 0xF/15 #
Data rate 10 Mbps
Number of channels 2 #
Number of Microticks / cycle : pMicroPerCycle 0x186A0/100000 #
Number of sync nodes maximum in a cluster : gSyncnodeMax 0xF/15 #
Number of Macroticks / cycle : gMacroPerCycle 0x94C/2500 #
Offset Correction Start : gOffsetCorrectionStart - 1 0x947/2375d MT
Network Idle time Start : gMacroPerCycle - gdNIT - 1 0x8c9/2249 MT
Delay compensation channel A : pDelayCompensation[A] 3 μT
Delay compensation channel B : pDelayCompensation[B] 3 μT
Cluster drift damping : pClusterDriftDamping 1 μT
Decoding Correction : pDecodingCorrection 0x38/56 μT
Accepted startup range : pdAcceptedStartupRange 0xCD/205 μT
Maximum oscillator drift : pdMaxDrift 0x12dh/ μT
Static slot length : gdStaticSlot 0x96/150 MT
Number of Static slots : gNumberOfStaticSlots 0xF/15 #
Minislot length : gdMinislot 4 MT
Number of Minislots : gNumberOfMinislots 0 #
Minislot Action Point : gdMinislotActionPointOffset 2 MT
Action Point offset : gdActionPointOffset 2 MT
Maximum offset correction : pOffsetCorrectionOut 205 μT
Maximum rate correction : pRateCorrectionOut 337 μT
External offset correction control : vExternOffsetControl 0 Yes / No
External Rate Correction Control : vExternRateControl 0 Yes / No
External offset correction : pExternOffsetCorrection 0 μT
External rate correction : pExternRateCorrection 0 μT
gdSampleClockPeriod 12.5 ns
Number of samples per Microtick : pSamplesPerMicrotick 2 #
Wake up Symbol Receive Window length : gdWakeupSymbolRxWindow 0 bit times
Repetitions of Transmission of wake up pattern : pWakeupPattern 0 #
Wake up Symbol Receive Idle : gdWakeupSymbolRxIdle 0 bit times
Wake up Symbol Receive Low : gdWakeupSymbolRxLow 0 bit times
Wake up Symbol Transmit Idle : gdWakeupSymbolTxIdle 0 bit times
Wake up Symbol Transmit Low : gdWakeupSymbolTxLow 0 bit times
Static Frame data length : gPayloadLengthStatic 0x3C/60 2 bytes
Number of Coldstart attempts : gColdStartAttempts 0x1F/31 #
Passive to Active : pAllowPassiveToActive 0xF/15 #
  • Hello Chang,

    It is pretty straight forward to port FR example for TMS570LS3137 to TMS570LS1227. Please use HALCoGen to generate initialization code, and copy FR related code to your new CCS project. LS3137 and LS1227 have the same FR module. Did you run FR demo code on LS3137? Did you probe the signal around the transceiver?

  • Hi Wang,

    The TMS570LS1227 and TMS570LS20216 source code  generate by HALGOGEN 04.06.1.  The project builded by CCS 7.1.0.  Flexray  driver (FR.C and FR.H) from FlexRay_example_node_b.pjt.

    I don't have TMS570LS3137 board.

    The TMS570LS20216 project run in HDK board. 

    The TMS570LS1227 board designed by myself.

    Frame wavefrom  was probed in  the point that you identify.

    I also view the NDAT value by debug mode of CCS.  Can not receive any data.   

  • Hi Wang,

    What diffrence in Flexray 2.1/Flexray 2.1A. 

    TMS570LS20X : Conformance with FlexRay protocol specification v2.1

    TMS570LS12X : Conformance with FlexRay protocol specification v2.1A

  • Hello Chang,

    This is the difference between 2.1 and 2.1A. It is back compatible.

  • Hello Chang,

    I just created a Flexray project for LS1227 device. I don't have HW to test it, please try on your HW.  Please change the node index in sys_main(). If the network has 4 nodes, the node index should be 1...3. You also need to change the definition of CURRENT_MODE in flexray.h.

  • Hi Wang

    The board I is MASTER Node 0, Board II is slave Node1,

    node 1 can receive RDDS=REQ_DATA_CMD;

    Can you give me the Handshake flow chart.

  • Hello Chang,

    Actually FlexRay network doesn't have master and slave. I just name the node 0 as master.

    If there 16 nods on the network:

    1. Node 0: It TX message to all other nodes and RX msg from all the other nodes. There are 30 message buffers. 15 buffers are for TX, and the buffer ID is 1~15 corresponding the node 1~15. 15 buffers are used for RX, and the buffer ID is 16~30 corresponding the node 1~15.

    2. Node 1~15: One buffer for TX, and one buffer for RX. TX buffer ID is 15+node number; and RX buffer ID is node number

  • Hello Wang,
    1) Can any tools help designed Flexray network ?(For windows PC)
    2) Can TI provide the POC's state monitor example?
    Agassiz Chang
  • Hi QJ,

    Agassiz have test your on TMS20216MDK & TMS570LS1227 PCB , Flexray function it Work!

    Agassiz modify the some code for application, the issue is the code can work on TMS20216MDK EVM, but download to TMS570LS1227 PCB the Node1 & Node2 always show no frame, data value = 0

    I have send Agassiz modify code to your Email , need your help to see if there are any wrong settings!

    Files name is : Node 0.rar & Node 1.rar



  • Hi QJ,

    Need your help, Have you received my Email & files? We want to solve this problem for the next step.

  • Hello Andy,

    Can you send me the project again? I don't think I have it. Before sending, please change the file's extension from *.zip to *.piz or *.txt. Otherwise, the file will be removed by the firewall. Thanks 

  • Hello QJ,

    OK, I have resend the files to you , Please help.

    The files name change to .piz as below:
    TMS570LS1227ZWT_Node 0.piz
    TMS570LS1227ZWT_Node 1.piz

