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CCS/TMS570LS1224: Spectrum XDS100V2

Part Number: TMS570LS1224

Tool/software: Code Composer Studio

Hi All, 

I am using Code Composer Studio Version: I have a 14pin Spectrum XDS100V2 JTAG emulator. How do i download the ftdi driver for this ? 

I am not able to connect to the target device can someone help me figure out what is the issue or how do i need to configure these jtag emulators ? 

  • Hi Vikram,

    What error message do you get? Why do you need to update the ftdi driver? Please use ftdi utility FT_Prog to configure the ftdi chip:

  • It doesn't connect to the target device. When i also go to project settings what device should i select for xds100v2 ? The hardware is spectrum but i don't see this name in selecting the emulator from project settings ?

  • Please select "TI XDS100V2"
  • this is the error i get:

    Error connecting to the target:
    (Error -180 @ 0x0)
    The controller has detected a target power loss.
    The user must turn-on or connect the power supply for the target.
    (Emulation package

    I am using the following emulator, will this work with TMS570LS1224 ?

    Vikram Jain
  • Hi Vikram,

    Yes XDS100V2 works with all TI cortex ARMs with no problem. According to the error you were faced with, the problem is related to your board.

    This paragraph is completely copied from link bellow.
    TVRef is supported on all headers and is used by the XDS to detect the absence of target power and set the input level on EMU and JTAG voltage translation devices within the XDS, if used. For the voltage range supported by your specific product, check with your XDS manufacturer. Adapters are generally available for XDS systems that don't meet the voltage level requirements of a specific device. "

  • So then is this configuration correct in my project ?

  • Hi All, Moved a bit ahead in the issue now its giving following error

    Error connecting to the target:
    (Error -2131 @ 0x0)
    Unable to access device register. Reset the device, and retry the operation. If
    error persists, confirm configuration, power-cycle the board, and/or try
    more reliable JTAG settings (e.g. lower TCLK).
  • [Start: Texas Instruments XDS100v2 USB Debug Probe_0]

    Execute the command:

    %ccs_base%/common/uscif/dbgjtag -f %boarddatafile% -rv -o -F inform,logfile=yes -S pathlength -S integrity


    -----[Print the board config pathname(s)]------------------------------------


    -----[Print the reset-command software log-file]-----------------------------

    This utility has selected a 100- or 510-class product.
    This utility will load the adapter 'jioserdesusb.dll'.
    The library build date was 'Feb 8 2018'.
    The library build time was '18:36:28'.
    The library package version is ''.
    The library component version is ''.
    The controller does not use a programmable FPGA.
    The controller has a version number of '4' (0x00000004).
    The controller has an insertion length of '0' (0x00000000).
    This utility will attempt to reset the controller.
    This utility has successfully reset the controller.

    -----[Print the reset-command hardware log-file]-----------------------------

    The scan-path will be reset by toggling the JTAG TRST signal.
    The controller is the FTDI FT2232 with USB interface.
    The link from controller to target is direct (without cable).
    The software is configured for FTDI FT2232 features.
    The controller cannot monitor the value on the EMU[0] pin.
    The controller cannot monitor the value on the EMU[1] pin.
    The controller cannot control the timing on output pins.
    The controller cannot control the timing on input pins.
    The scan-path link-delay has been set to exactly '0' (0x0000).

    -----[The log-file for the JTAG TCLK output generated from the PLL]----------

    There is no hardware for programming the JTAG TCLK frequency.

    -----[Measure the source and frequency of the final JTAG TCLKR input]--------

    There is no hardware for measuring the JTAG TCLK frequency.

    -----[Perform the standard path-length test on the JTAG IR and DR]-----------

    This path-length test uses blocks of 64 32-bit words.

    The test for the JTAG IR instruction path-length failed.
    The JTAG IR instruction scan-path is stuck-at-zero.

    The test for the JTAG DR bypass path-length failed.
    The JTAG DR bypass scan-path is stuck-at-zero.

    -----[Perform the Integrity scan-test on the JTAG IR]------------------------

    This test will use blocks of 64 32-bit words.
    This test will be applied just once.

    Do a test using 0xFFFFFFFF.
    Test 1 Word 0: scanned out 0xFFFFFFFF and scanned in 0x00000000.
    Test 1 Word 1: scanned out 0xFFFFFFFF and scanned in 0x00000000.
    Test 1 Word 2: scanned out 0xFFFFFFFF and scanned in 0x00000000.
    Test 1 Word 3: scanned out 0xFFFFFFFF and scanned in 0x00000000.
    Test 1 Word 4: scanned out 0xFFFFFFFF and scanned in 0x00000000.
    Test 1 Word 5: scanned out 0xFFFFFFFF and scanned in 0x00000000.
    Test 1 Word 6: scanned out 0xFFFFFFFF and scanned in 0x00000000.
    Test 1 Word 7: scanned out 0xFFFFFFFF and scanned in 0x00000000.
    The details of the first 8 errors have been provided.
    The utility will now report only the count of failed tests.
    Scan tests: 1, skipped: 0, failed: 1
    Do a test using 0x00000000.
    Scan tests: 2, skipped: 0, failed: 1
    Do a test using 0xFE03E0E2.
    Scan tests: 3, skipped: 0, failed: 2
    Do a test using 0x01FC1F1D.
    Scan tests: 4, skipped: 0, failed: 3
    Do a test using 0x5533CCAA.
    Scan tests: 5, skipped: 0, failed: 4
    Do a test using 0xAACC3355.
    Scan tests: 6, skipped: 0, failed: 5
    Some of the values were corrupted - 83.3 percent.

    The JTAG IR Integrity scan-test has failed.

    -----[Perform the Integrity scan-test on the JTAG DR]------------------------

    This test will use blocks of 64 32-bit words.
    This test will be applied just once.

    Do a test using 0xFFFFFFFF.
    Test 1 Word 0: scanned out 0xFFFFFFFF and scanned in 0x00000000.
    Test 1 Word 1: scanned out 0xFFFFFFFF and scanned in 0x00000000.
    Test 1 Word 2: scanned out 0xFFFFFFFF and scanned in 0x00000000.
    Test 1 Word 3: scanned out 0xFFFFFFFF and scanned in 0x00000000.
    Test 1 Word 4: scanned out 0xFFFFFFFF and scanned in 0x00000000.
    Test 1 Word 5: scanned out 0xFFFFFFFF and scanned in 0x00000000.
    Test 1 Word 6: scanned out 0xFFFFFFFF and scanned in 0x00000000.
    Test 1 Word 7: scanned out 0xFFFFFFFF and scanned in 0x00000000.
    The details of the first 8 errors have been provided.
    The utility will now report only the count of failed tests.
    Scan tests: 1, skipped: 0, failed: 1
    Do a test using 0x00000000.
    Scan tests: 2, skipped: 0, failed: 1
    Do a test using 0xFE03E0E2.
    Scan tests: 3, skipped: 0, failed: 2
    Do a test using 0x01FC1F1D.
    Scan tests: 4, skipped: 0, failed: 3
    Do a test using 0x5533CCAA.
    Scan tests: 5, skipped: 0, failed: 4
    Do a test using 0xAACC3355.
    Scan tests: 6, skipped: 0, failed: 5
    Some of the values were corrupted - 83.3 percent.

    The JTAG DR Integrity scan-test has failed.

    [End: Texas Instruments XDS100v2 USB Debug Probe_0]

    the following is the error report when i try to connect.
  • As I see, the "Linker command file" fiels is empty. 

    Let me show you what should be done, step by step.


    Make a new project.


    As you see in the next image, this project doesn't contain any .cmd file, we know that every project should have a command file. 

    I saw in your last post that your project doesn't contain any command file.So what should we do?


    Choosing a command file in this order :

    from project menu, select properties.

    then select a .cmd file related to your device like the image bellow.

    Then click on OK button so that the .cmd file is added now to your project folder as you can see this in the image bellow.

    Make a try and send me the output from the CCS build console after building the project with these new considerations.

  • Hi,

    Your test shows:

    The test for the JTAG IR instruction path-length failed.
    The JTAG IR instruction scan-path is stuck-at-ones.

    The test for the JTAG DR bypass path-length failed.
    The JTAG DR bypass scan-path is stuck-at-ones.

    The probable cause:

    1. The Chip is not working
    2 The wrong connector may have been used for interfacing of JTAG.

    Can you post the schematic of the JTAG header on the board?
  • Hi,

    In addition to what you said, I think lack of command file is another matter.
    What is your opinion?
  • Hi Hossein,

    I think that connecting the target doesn't require the command file.
  • Hi All, thank you so much for your help.

    It looks like the Emulator that i have is broken, I have a Blackhawk JTAG 20pin emulator can someone suggest me cheap 20pin to 14 pin JTAG adapter ?
  • Hi,

    If this is true, so why the .cmd file was added to the folder of project as you can see in images I have sent in one of my post in thread.

  • Hi All,

    I have now replaced my emulator with TI XDS110 Debug probe and i get the following error ?

    [Start: Texas Instruments XDS110 USB Debug Probe_0]

    Execute the command:

    %ccs_base%/common/uscif/dbgjtag -f %boarddatafile% -rv -o -S integrity


    -----[Print the board config pathname(s)]------------------------------------



    -----[Print the reset-command software log-file]-----------------------------

    This utility has selected a 100- or 510-class product.

    This utility will load the adapter 'jioxds110.dll'.

    The library build date was 'Feb  8 2018'.

    The library build time was '18:36:28'.

    The library package version is ''.

    The library component version is ''.

    The controller does not use a programmable FPGA.

    The controller has a version number of '5' (0x00000005).

    The controller has an insertion length of '0' (0x00000000).

    This utility will attempt to reset the controller.

    This utility has successfully reset the controller.

    -----[Print the reset-command hardware log-file]-----------------------------

    The scan-path will be reset by toggling the JTAG TRST signal.

    The controller is the XDS110 with USB interface.

    The link from controller to target is direct (without cable).

    The software is configured for XDS110 features.

    The controller cannot monitor the value on the EMU[0] pin.

    The controller cannot monitor the value on the EMU[1] pin.

    The controller cannot control the timing on output pins.

    The controller cannot control the timing on input pins.

    The scan-path link-delay has been set to exactly '0' (0x0000).

    -----[An error has occurred and this utility has aborted]--------------------

    This error is generated by TI's USCIF driver or utilities.

    The value is '-233' (0xffffff17).

    The title is 'SC_ERR_PATH_BROKEN'.

    The explanation is:

    The JTAG IR and DR scan-paths cannot circulate bits, they may be broken.

    An attempt to scan the JTAG scan-path has failed.

    The target's JTAG scan-path appears to be broken

    with a stuck-at-ones or stuck-at-zero fault.

    [End: Texas Instruments XDS110 USB Debug Probe_0]

    any reason why am i still not able to connect to the device ?

    I have attached the schematic for your reference .


    The above issue is when I try to do Test Connection

    but when i try to program/debug the project i get following error

    Error connecting to the target:
    (Error -2131 @ 0x0)
    Unable to access device register. Reset the device, and retry the operation. If error persists, confirm configuration, power-cycle the board, and/or try more reliable JTAG settings (e.g. lower TCLK).
    (Emulation package

  • Hi Vikram,

    Have you updated the firmware in the emulator? I am not sure it will help, but please try it:

    1. Go to the directory where the utility is installed: C:\>cd C:\ti\ccsv7\ccs_base\common\uscif\xds110

    2. Run the configuration just to make sure a XDS110-class debugger is connected (or to list how many are connected) and what is the firmware revision installed on it: C:\ti\ccsv7\ccs_base\common\uscif\xds110>xdsdfu -e

    3. Put the XDS110 in DFU mode: C:\ti\ccsv7\ccs_base\common\uscif\xds110>xdsdfu -m

    4. Run the updater, passing the firmware file and resetting the debug probe afterwards: C:\ti\ccsv6\ccs_base\common\uscif\xds110>xdsdfu -f firmware.bin -r
  • Hi Vikram,

    Just read your schematics, another thing to try:

    Remove the resistor: R167. I don't know how strong the pull-up in XDS110 is. TMS570 nTRST has internal pull-down.
  • Hi Wang, 

    I have tried both your suggestions and it still seems to be giving the same issue. I have also tried to connect my JTAG emulator with EVM and it seems to be working okay but gives me above error when i connect to my board ?

    Kind Regards


  • Does blackhawk100v2 and TI XDS110 debug probe work with a specific CCS version ? 

    I have still not been able to resolve the issue can someone please help and guide me to figure what is the hardware issue or configuration issue in CCS ?

  • Hi Vikram,

    The CCS supports both Blackhawk USB100V2 and TI XDS110 emulators.

    I don't see the problem on JTAG signals around the header. Many things to check:
    1. crystal: make sure the clock is within the valid range, 5MHz ~ 20MHz
    2. Power supply: 3.3V, and 1.2V
    3. nRST and PORRST: they should be HIGH
  • Hi Wang, 

    Also my Hardware ID's are VID = 0403 and PID = A6D0 are these correct ? 

    Kind Regards

    Vikram Jain

  • Hi Wang,

    Thank you for helping out. The issue is resolved by correcting the nRST and PORRST: they were always low.

    Thank You.