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CCS5.3 not connecting to MSP430FR... target

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430FR5969, MSP-TS430RGZ48C, MSPDS, MSP430G2955, MSP430F5528


I already posted it here 

but I think this is a tool problem.

I am able to program my hardware with IAR EW, but not with CCS5.3

How to fix it5?


  • Hi Jan,

    some comments here.

    - please do not duplicate posts!

    - if you are using Linux the launchpads/experiemnter boards are not yet supported

    I suspect your dll version.   Can you please do the following.  Please download and install the free flash programming utility from elprotronic (   See if you can connect to your board/manage firmware versions with that.

    Any further information would help.  OS, exact error, device manager information.

    Best Regards,

  • Hi Lisa,


     Thanks for looking at that issue.

    1) duplicating posts - originally I wasn't sure where the problem is, hence put it in general MSP430 forum.

    Now I know it is a problem with CCS

    2) I am using Windows 7, not Linux. Tried both 64-bit at work and 32-bit at home, doesn't work anywhere.

    3) It works with IAR EW, doesn't work with CCS


    4) I will try the Elpotronics software soon and will let you know.




  • Hi Lisa,

     More info:

    - the latest FlashPro430 from Elprotronic (v4.9.4) doesn't support the wolverine family (MSP430FR59xx), it does support older FR devices.

    - the beta version of CCS (v5.4) has the same symptoms as v5.3 (not connecting to target)

    - the only IDE supporting wolverine now seems to be the IAR EW

    - maybe the developers of CCS didn't received any hardware (evaluation board) from TI's R&D to test the new wolverine family




  • Hi Jan,

    what exact part do you have?  I have used my wolverine board with no problems on CCSv5.3 on a Win 7 64 bit system.   I am back in the office tomorrow to try a few more things but need more details.  What do you see in your device manager?   Have you tried a different port?  

    Best Regards,


  • Hi Lisa,

     I use MSP430FR5969, samples obtained here

    What is your Wolverine board? Can you send a link to a schematic?

    The drivers are there:

    Thanks again for looking at at.



  • sorry, the attachments are missing

    drivers before (attaching launchpad with wolverine)

    drivers after

  • Hi Jan,

    I have been doing some digging here trying to reproduce your issue.   A colleague reflashed my FR5969 and on my installations I see the following

    - v5.3 I see what you see

    - beta v5.4 works for me

    You say in your case 5.4 also shows a connect error?    What MSP tools versions (mspware etc) do you have?  You can see this under Window->Preferences->Code Composer Studio->RTSC->Products.

    Best REgards,

  • Hi Lisa,

     Thanks for helping me.

    No luck with CCS beta v5.4 either (same error)

    In fact I going backwards, after CCS beta installation the IAR stopped working as well.

    I ordered a new silicon samples to see if it will help.


  • Hi Jan,

    I have been also working with some development colleagues here and unfortunately at the moment the only suggestion is to order/try newer version boards.  It does seem like you could well have a defective board and we do know that unfortunately there were some defects in a couple early batches of boards that went out.

    Appologies for any inconvenience.

    Best Regards,

  • Hi Lisa,


    What is the board, that you are using? It is one of the ureleased to the public or a socket like this ?

    Can you share the schematic?

    Can you try both JTAG and SBW and let me know if SBW works? (I haven't try the full JTAG)

    Can you have a look at my schematic (attached) and maybe you will spot something wrong.

    I am going to order the MSP-TS430RGZ48C to try to eliminate my possible mistakes.

    Are there any evaluation boards for wolverine available as a reference?

    Is there a reference design?

    Is it possible the the samples I received have the fuse blown?

    If yes, what is the easy way to to reset the fuse on wolverine? (BSL?)

    I am asking all this questions, because I am determined to solve this drama and at the same time it is a test on my patience.

    Is it possible to tame the wolverine?

    (My guess is, that there are people out there playing with them, so the answer should be yes.)

    Do you think, that I should abandon it and swith to a different micro?

    If there are any trick, can you kindly ask your colleagues and give me some hints?

    Thanks again for your support.

    Best Regards


  • Hi Jan,

    I am sorry to hear you are facing issues with this device.

    • I had a look at your schematic and did not find anything suspicious. 
    • I noticed you are using the 50mil ez430 header. Please note that the ez430 dongles do not officially (and reliably) support the FR59 devices. You can check the supported devices in the MSP430 Hardware Tools User Guide (  table 1-1. It is recommended to use a MSP-FET430UIF instead.
    • Some of the silicon samples which you may have received on the XMS430FR5969 do not meet the standard of quality we strive for at Texas Instruments (see full message below). 
    • Recently we discovered another batch of MSP-TS430 boards with silicon that might be impacted. they have a date code of 35/2012 & 38/2012. We are currently working on a resample program for those boards/devices. Please note that the boards are okay, it is just the silicon that might show issues. If your TS board has this lot date codes we will reach out to you and resample the silicon. You could also log on to and order some fresh samples. 
    Hope that sheds some more light on this issue. Let us know if you have any further questions.
    Regards, Dietmar
  • Hi Dietmar,

     Thanks for that update.

    I have new samples on their way.

    Will let you know about my progress soon.



  • Hi Dietmar,

    The update on my struggle with wolverine is here:

    - the old samples do not work at all

    - the new samples are OK so far

    - the only tool working isMSP-FET430UIF (after the firmware update)

    Is there a firmware update for a MSP430 launchpad and other low cost USB tools to work with "Wolverine"?

    The hardware seems to be very similar on all of them, so my guess is it's just a firmware.



  • Hi Jan,

    Glad to hear that you now have a working setup!

    The MSP-EXP430G2 LaunchPad emulator does not support Wolverine. See table 1-1 in the MSP430 Hardware tools User's Guide (SLAU278). As far as I am aware of there will be no firmware update for this LaunchPad since the emulator was not build to be updated.

    Once we have final MSP430FR5969 silicon (not the preview XMS material) we will however have better device support with more tools. 

    Regards, Dietmar

  • Dietmar Schneider said:

    The MSP-EXP430G2 LaunchPad emulator does not support Wolverine. See table 1-1 in the MSP430 Hardware tools User's Guide (SLAU278). As far as I am aware of there will be no firmware update for this LaunchPad since the emulator was not build to be updated.

    That statement seems to be contradicted by this page

    "LaunchPadFirmwareUpdater2.0.exe is a GUI-based utility to update the emulator firmware of the MSP430 Value Line LaunchPad kit (MSP-EXP430G2). With this update, your LaunchPad will be able to support all new and future MSP430G2xx Value Line devices."

    So while it doesn't mention FRAM chips, it does say "all new and future Value Line devices"

  • Good Point Rick! I should have been more precise with the wording.

    MSP-EXP430G2 Emulator was not build to be updated via the DLL update mechanism. The GUI described on the page you linked only works for this specific board. It also only updates the DLL to a version that supports "all new and future MSP430G2xx Value Line devices."

    Wolverine support is realized via what we call DLLv3, and DLLv3 (Open Source) never got ported onto the MSP-EXP430G2 ez430 emulator. For details on the MSP430 debug stack please see: .

    Good news is that we listened to the feedback we got: Our next generation onboard emulators will be update able. 

    Regards, Dietmar

  • So does mean that the current v1.5 msp430 launchpad won't ever be able to use the msp430g2955 chip?


  • Hi Dietmar,

     Thanks for that clarification, but there is no FR5969 listed in the table 1-1 of SLAU278

    Other questions:

    - Is the 4-wire JTAG and 2-wire JTAG (SBW) implementation different for a different MSP430 microcontroller?

    - I can program MSP430F5528 devices with the Launchpad and any other usb tool, but I don't see it in the table.

    That bring the final question:

    How can any mortal find out what is the JTAG implementation and tools support for a particular microcontroller the easy way,

    not like me the hard way?

    Thank you for your support and best regards.


  • Hi Jan,

    You are right that the FR59xx is missing in the table. I already talked to the team and we will update the documentation accordingly. Thanks for spiking it out.
    Please be assured that the MSP-FET430UIF supports all programmable MSP430 and CC430 devices out there. 

    SBW/JTAG protocol is similar on all devices. 

    Even though you can program the MSP430F5528 with the MSP-EXP430G2, it is not officially supported. This means we either did not test it or found issues while testing it. On the UIF we continuously improve the firmware to account for new devices and newly discovered issues. As said earlier, the G2 LaunchPad has this DLL update mechanism not implemented and therefore will not benefit from the new versions.

    The best way to find out about device support with certain tools is really table1-1 on SLAU278. 

    Regards, Dietmar

  • Hi Rick,

    Let me get back to you on this question.

    Regards, Dietmar 

  • Hi Rick,

    The official comment: 'MSP-EXP430G2 is fixed function as documented in SLAU278. The G2xx5 is a new device that wasn't present when MSP-EXP430G2 was released.'

    Since MSP430G2xx5 is not available in PDIP this is only an issue if you use jumper cables from the emulator to a custom board. The safe bet and official way would be to use MSP-FET430UIF. I however heard that some people are using MSP-EXP430G2 with MSP430G2xx5  and it seems to work - untested and officially not support.

    As indicated earlier, we are taking input from the field serious - our next generation on-board emulator will be update able and will support all MSP430 devices. From the results I have seen so far i think you will all like the new emulator - more on that later this year.

    Regards, Dietmar

  • I am sure adding G2x55 & G2x44 support (or at least fixing LP to work as promised "your LaunchPad will be able to support all new and future MSP430G2xx Value Line devices") and releasing updater is not a big deal for you guys.

  • As noted on

    The Scenario:
    As many e2e members have discovered, some LaunchPad kits are unable to debug and download code on the new MSP430G2xx2 Value Line microcontroller devices. We have identified the root cause, and the current firmware on some LaunchPad kits needs to be updated to support the latest G2xx2 devices.

    Does my LaunchPad need to be updated?
    Not all units are affected by this issue, and affected units can be identified by looking at your LaunchPad’s 9-digit serial number (sticker on the back of your LaunchPad kit). If your serial number falls between 1009xxxxx and 1101xxxxx, your LaunchPad will need a firmware update to support G2xx2 devices.

    The rev 1.4 launchpads were unable to support new G2xx2 devices as of May 2011, a firmware update fixed that. So there is no reason a firmware update can't fix the overlooked 2xx5 support.

    Dietmar Schneider said:

    Hi Rick,

    The official comment: 'MSP-EXP430G2 is fixed function as documented in SLAU278. The G2xx5 is a new device that wasn't present when MSP-EXP430G2 was released.'

    Since MSP430G2xx5 is not available in PDIP this is only an issue if you use jumper cables from the emulator to a custom board. The safe bet and official way would be to use MSP-FET430UIF. I however heard that some people are using MSP-EXP430G2 with MSP430G2xx5  and it seems to work - untested and officially not support.

    As indicated earlier, we are taking input from the field serious - our next generation on-board emulator will be update able and will support all MSP430 devices. From the results I have seen so far i think you will all like the new emulator - more on that later this year.

    Regards, Dietmar

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