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MSP430F5419A : USCI interrupt rx problem with SMCLK and LPM3 mode

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430F5419A, MSP430F247


I'm working on a MSP430F5419A trying to use the USCI modules in uart mode. Here is my config :

- Operating mode : LPM3

- USCI_A0 : 115200 bauds, SMCLK(4MHz), no parity, 8 bits, 1 stop bit, interrupt on reception allowed

- USC :

32kHz -> XT1 -> FLL -> DCO 4Mhz -> SMCLK 4Mhz & MCLK 4MHz

32kHz -> XT1 -> ACLK

I succeed in sending characters to an hyperterminal, but the problem comes from the rx interrupt. I well enter in the interrupt, first characters are correct but then what it is stored in UCA0RXBUF is completely wrong.

I tested many configuration, changing the baud rate for example (no influence) and other operating mode + clock config :

- LPM0 (or active mode) + USCI with SMCLK = no problem (but consumption is not acceptable for us)

- LPM3 + USCI with ACLK = no problem (but maximum baud rate is too low for us)

I know that SMCLK is not active during LPM3, but I see on a scope that SMCLK become active during character reception (SMCLK become active 1.5µs after first falling edge on USCI_A0_RX). I usually work on the MSP430F247, using uart module @19200 bauds with SMCLK@1MHz and LPM3 mode and I never observed this problem.

Maybe this problem is known in MSP430F5x ?

See my test code below :

void main(void)
  // clocks configuration : ACLK = XT1 = 32.768kHz, MCLK = SMCLK = DC0/2 = 32768*(1+121)/2 = 4MHz
  WDTCTL = ( WDTPW | WDTHOLD );   // stop watchdog timer
  P7SEL |= 0x03;                            // Select XT1
  UCSCTL6 &= ~(XT1OFF);                     // XT1 On
  UCSCTL6 = 0xC1CC;                         // Internal load cap
  UCSCTL3 = 0;                              // Set DCO FLL reference = XT1
  UCSCTL4 = SELS_4 + SELM_4;                // Set ACLK = XT1
  __bis_SR_register(SCG0);                  // Disable the FLL control loop
  UCSCTL0 = 0x0000;                         // Set lowest possible DCOx, MODx
  UCSCTL1 = DCORSEL_4;                      // Select DCO range 8MHz operation
  UCSCTL2 = FLLD_1 + 121;                   
  __bic_SR_register(SCG0);                  // Enable the FLL control loop
  // Loop until XT1,XT2 & DCO fault flag is cleared
                                            // Clear XT2,XT1,DCO fault flags
    SFRIFG1 &= ~OFIFG;                      // Clear fault flags
  }while (SFRIFG1&OFIFG);                   // Test oscillator fault flag
  // Init uartA0
  UCA0CTL1 = (UCSSEL_2 | UCSWRST);              // set UCSWRST, SMCLK
  UCA0CTL0 = 0;                                 // no parity, 8 bits, LSB first, 1 stop bit, async mode
  UCA0BR0 = 34;                                 // to get 115200 bauds if SMCLK = 4MHz
  UCA0BR1 = 0;
  // I/Os config
  P3DIR |= BIT4;
  P3DIR &= ~BIT5;
  P3SEL |= 0x30;
  UCA0CTL1 = UCSSEL_2;                          // clear UCSWRST --> uart OK
  // Handle interrupt



u8 buffer_temp[256];
u16 index=0;

#pragma vector = USCI_A0_VECTOR
__interrupt void uartA0_irq(void)
  u16 temp = UCA0IV;
    buffer_temp[index++] = UCA0RXBUF;
    index %= 256;
  else if(temp==0x04)

Thanks in advance for your support

  • Catheline Yoan said:
    (SMCLK become active 1.5µs after first falling edge on USCI_A0_RX

    And that's the problem. The USCI is missing the first 1.5µs of the first bit. And the first SMCLK pulses aren't of the expected frequency either (this is why MCLK is held off for 5µs after DCO activation). The USCI is simply missing most of the start bit and gets the following bits wrong.

    You can only enter LPM3 (or 4) with active UART reception, when the bit length is significantly larger than the DCO wakeup time.

    Also, on 2x family, DCO wakeup is usually 1µs, not 5µs.

    My guess is that with 57600Bd it will work.

  • It make sense that at 115200 bauds, we miss most of the start bit due to the DCO wakeup time. When i realize the same test in active mode or in PLM0 mode, there is no this kind of problem, so it seem definitely to come from a clock wake up issue.

    However, it does not work either with a lower baud rate, even at 9600Baud. The problem is really strange, I send the same character (0x35) several times, first received characters are correct and then the value is wrong (0xB5 or 0x95 instead of 0x35).

    Is there a way to lower the wake up time of the DCO (using REFO to source the DCO or something like that) ?

  • Catheline Yoan said:
    However, it does not work either with a lower baud rate, even at 9600Baud.

    That's rather unexpected.

    Catheline Yoan said:
    Is there a way to lower the wake up time of the DCO

    No. You may try setting the SVS into full performance mode, but I think this has only influence on the MCLK wakeup time. (core voltage generation)

    Catheline Yoan said:
    using REFO to source the DCO or something like that

    REFO and DCO are both oscillators (hence the 'O' in the names) Both can be used to source a clock (MCLK, SMCLK, ACLK, ADC12CLK), but not each other.

    Well, on a real RS232 system, you'd have the DTR/DSR signals, which signal the presence of a data terminal (the PC) and may cause the firmware to go into LPM0 instead of LPM3/4. Once the terminal is disconnected, no data will ever come and deepest LPM can be entered.

    On older silicon revisions, the USCI, when not in reset state, was always requesting SMCLK, keeping it (and the DCO, if required) active even if LPM4 was requested. Nobody complained about the USCI working in LPM4, but people were not happy about the high current despite of LPM4.
    Apparently my grandmother was right: one cannot eat the cake and keep it. :(

    There have been previous threads about it. If you kick the forum search a bit, you might be able to locate them. Maybe there was some additional information posted.

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