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MSP430C311 current consumption when driving LCD

As what I've got from MSP430C311 datasheet (please refer to the table on page 16, just below the figure 2), we only know the current consumption in case all outputs are in open circuit state. Here is typically 400 uA at 3V.

So I would like to ask that how I can estimate the current consumption when a particular number of segment pins and common pins are operating. Hope you light me up. Thanks.


  • The C3x family is obsolete. I doubt anyone here has experience with it. You really shouldn’t use it for a new design. Better redesign and use the 4x family or the 6x family devices.

    However, you can solve your problem by doing some test runs: Simply run the device with no segments active and all segments active. This gives you a raw estimation of current consumption per segment.
    But consider that in multiplexed mode, inactive segments still cause some current, as they will have their segment and common signals oscillating, just in phase (no voltage across the LCD, but activity on the drivers) while active segments have them oscillating with 180° phase angle. In fact, inactive segments do only draw no current when they have static common and segment lines.

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