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adc of msp430

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: INA332

this is my code. here i am getting value of adc on uart. but after removing sensor, i am also getting values which is near to original. here i am controlling device using adc. i want zero value on adc when sensor is disconnected

  • Hi Rushin,

    The pin is floating when you remove the sensor.
    Check this link for some tips:

    Luis R
  • should i use switch here?

  • When your pin is floating you will measure

    • remaining charge on the pin from when the sensor was connected
    • any crap from the surrounding that couples into the pin

    A high impedance floating pin is never an option. Also for a digital input. If you use a pin as an input button for example, then you always set a pull-up/down resistor to have a defined potential on the pin when the button is not pressed and therefore would be floating.

    The solution for you depends on the sensor you are using. Can it drive a load (pull-down-resistor)? What type of sensor is it?


  • i am making ecg acquisition system. so i am using disposable electrode as sensor
  • >i am making ecg acquisition system. so i am using disposable electrode as sensor
    Then you shall read
    Particular ECG have frontend which does not float ADC inputs while electrodes are not attached.

  • from document

    "If the voltage on the left pad exceeds 1.7 V, the contact is considered good, and the green LED

    on the LaunchPad flashes briefly. If the voltage exceeds 1.5 V, the contact is considered bad and the red

    LED flashes briefly. The default value on the pad for no contact is 0.825 V "    

    i think here  they use software coding for sensor is connected or not. in my code  it take value 1.12,1.2 continuously

    #include <msp430.h> 
    #include <math.h>
    #define UART_TXD 0x02                                  // TXD on P1.1 (Timer0_A.OUT0)
    #define UART_TBIT (1000000 / 9600)                     // 9600 Baud, SMCLK = 1MHz
                                                           // Globals for transmit UART communication
    unsigned int txData;                                   // UART internal variable for TX
    void TimerA_UART_tx(unsigned char byte);               // Function prototypes
    void TimerA_UART_print(char *string);
    int temp1,adc,adc1;
    float supply = 3.70;
    char disp_res;
    unsigned char temp;
    int a,b,c;
    int v;
    void main(void){
      WDTCTL = WDTPW + WDTHOLD;                            // Stop watchdog timer
      DCOCTL = 0x00;                                       // Set DCOCLK to 1MHz
      BCSCTL1 = CALBC1_1MHZ;
     // DCOCTL = CALDCO_16MHZ; // set internal oscillator at 16MHz
     // BCSCTL1 = CALBC1_16MHZ; // set internal oscillator at 16MHz
     // ADC10CTL1 |= CONSEQ1; 							//continuous sample mode, MUST BE SET FIRST!
     // ADC10CTL0 |= ADC10SHT_2 + ADC10ON + MSC; 	//sample and hold time, adc on, cont. sample
      ADC10CTL0 |= ADC10ON + ADC10SHT_3 + MSC;
      ADC10CTL1 |= ADC10SSEL_3  + ADC10DIV_7 + CONSEQ_2;
      ADC10AE0 |= 0x01; 								// select channel A0
      ADC10CTL0 |= ADC10SC + ENC;						 // start conversions
      P1OUT = UART_TXD;                                    // Initialize P1.1
      P1SEL = UART_TXD;                                    // Timer function for TXD pin
      P1DIR = UART_TXD;                                    // Set TXD pin to output
                                                           // Timer_A for transmit UART operation
      TA0CCTL0 = OUT;                                      // Set TXD Idle as Mark = '1'
      TA0CCTL1 = SCS + CM1 + CAP;                          // Sync, Neg Edge, Capture
      TA0CTL = TASSEL_2 + MC_2;                            // SMCLK, start in continuous mode
      _BIS_SR(GIE);                                        // Enable CPU interrupts
    //	__delay_cycles(500000);
    	 v = ADC10MEM;
    	//  v=v+6;
        // v = (v*3.3)/1024;
    //disp_res =( v*supply)/1024;
    void TimerA_UART_tx(unsigned char byte) {              // Outputs one byte using the Timer_A UART
      while (TACCTL0 & CCIE);                              // Ensure last char got TX'd
      TA0CCR0 = TAR;                                       // Current state of TA counter
      TA0CCR0 += UART_TBIT;                                // One bit time till first bit
      txData = byte;                                       // Load transmit data, e.g. 'A'=01000001
      txData |= 0x100;                                     // Add mark stop bit, e.g. 101000001
      txData <<= 1;                                        // Add space start bit, e.g. 1010000010
      TA0CCTL0 = OUTMOD0 + CCIE;                           // Set TXD on, enable counter interrupt
    void TimerA_UART_print(char *string) {                 // Prints a string using the Timer_A UART
      while (*string)
    #pragma vector = TIMER0_A0_VECTOR                      // Timer_A UART - Transmit ISR
       __interrupt void Timer_A0_ISR(void) {
      static unsigned char txBitCnt = 10;
      TA0CCR0 += UART_TBIT;                                // Add Offset to CCRx
      if (txBitCnt == 0) {                                 // All bits TXed?
        TA0CCTL0 &= ~CCIE;                                 // All bits TXed, disable interrupt
        txBitCnt = 10;                                     // Re-load bit counter
      else {
        if (txData & 0x01)
          TA0CCTL0 &= ~OUTMOD2;                            // TX Mark '1'
          TA0CCTL0 |= OUTMOD2;                             // TX Space '0'
      txData >>= 1;                                        // Shift right 1 bit (low bits TX'ed first)

    still i am confused about solution

  • >i think here they use software coding for sensor is connected or not. in my code it take value 1.12,1.2 continuously
    You can't compare behavior of two circuits unless they are identical! Do you use same signal conditioner (frontend) using INA332 as in mentioned application note? Please show input circuit of your device

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