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msp-exp432p401r_grLib_Example not working with 430BOOST-SHARP96

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: BOOSTXL-K350QVG-S1

I am running the MSP_EXP432P401R_GrLib_Example project using the MSP_EXP432P401R kit with the 430BOOST-SHARP96.  i Have ran few other samples with the MSP_EXP432P401R and they worked.  I bought the 430BOOST=SHARP96, but it does not seem to work.

In the main() the initialization of the screen is doing nothing

Graphics_initContext(&g_sContext, &g_sKitronix320x240x16_SSD2119);

Graphics_setBackgroundColor(&g_sContext, GRAPHICS_COLOR_BLACK);  /* The screen stays white */ 
Graphics_setFont(&g_sContext, &g_sFontCmss20b);

/* Nothing happens */

touch_initInterface();   Hungs in  "touch_calibrateCircle(...),  the return to touch_detectedTouch() is always True, the code never gets out of this loop?  The program hungs.

Any ideas on how to debug or is there another example that I can use to verify if the 430BOOST-SHARP96 is working. ?

Please help

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