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F5529 LaunchPad with CCS

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430F5529, MSP430G2553, MATHLIB

The attached project was developed for the F5529 LaunchPad.  

If you connect a F5529 LaunchPad and initiate a debug session an error message pops up saying the project is actually set up for a FR5969.   

Any ideas?  I've tried this on two Windows 7 Pro machines with CCS version

  • Maybe you created a new project and selected the wrong processor? Try this:

    Right-click on your project's name and select properties, then go to general (if it isn't selected already) and choose the correct controller type. In variant, on the left, you can pre-select a family and on the right you can select the MSP430F5529 (in my case it is the MSP430G2553...but don't care about my settings).


  • Hi Dennis,

    Thanks for the fast reply!

    I wish there was such a simple/obvious solution. The Code Composer source code project is attached to my original post. It is already set for the F5529. If you have a F5529 LaunchPad you can connect to it and try to enter debug mode with my project and see the problem.

  • Unfortunately I do not have this one. I will ping some other people who might have one to test the code, but it is Sunday, so maybe there won't be a response today. But who knows...

  • Fantastic! Many thanks.

  • Hope there will be one to test your code soon!
  • Select “View\Target configuraties”. If you have more than one and don’t want to use the other ones, delete them, otherwise Right click the correct one and select ‘Set as default’.
    If you have only one, double click to open and select the correct MCU.
    Or delete them all and create a new one.
  • Leo,

    Thanks for the reply.

    When I Select “View\Target configuraties” I get a list of projects that I currently have loaded into CCS, but this problem project is not listed. It appears as expected in Project Explorer because I imported it using the normal File, Import process.

    I think clicked on New and create a new target configuration file but this did not make any difference and I still get the same error.

    Do you have a F5529 LaunchPad that you can actually use to attempt to load my project? I don't think this problem can be resolved by anyone unless they attempt to enter debug mode with my project and a connected F5529 LaunchPad...

  • I’m not at home so don’t have LaunchPad available nor CCS.
    But the problem isn’t the LaunchPad or software but a wrong link to the Target configuration.
    Go to the Green insect for the Debug and click the arrow down and select something as Target configuration (2nd from bottom), select in the left pane your new configuration and on the right site point to the correct ‘output’.
    Press Save and in the left pane double click the configuration.
  • Go to the Green insect for the Debug and click the arrow down and select something as Target configuration (2nd from bottom),
    >> I selected Debug Configurations... from the Debug pulldown. The left pane only has MSP430 which I selected.

    select in the left pane your new configuration and on the right site point to the correct ‘output’.
    Press Save and in the left pane double click the configuration.
  • --Go to the Green insect for the Debug and click the arrow down and select something as Target configuration (2nd from bottom),
    >> I selected Debug Configurations... from the Debug pulldown. The left pane only has MSP430 which I selected.
    >>I tried to drop an image here but that failed for some reason where it worked before (see above).

    --select in the left pane your new configuration and on the right site point to the correct ‘output’.
    >> CPUs is selected in the right hand pane.

    --Press Save and in the left pane double click the configuration.
    >>There is no SAVE button in the window.

    >>I clicked on Debug and got the same error message where CCS thinks there is an FR5969 LaunchPad attached.

  • If you have only MSP430 then right click this and select ‘duplicate’, hopefully this is already most right configured. Give it a name in top and under ‘Target configuration’ select the target configuration you have created for this project by pushing the button ‘Workspace…’. After this push on the right down button ‘Apply’, this is something equal to ‘Save’.

    Select the tab ‘Program’ and right from the field ‘Program’ push the button ‘Workspace…’ and select the output file of your project. Again push the ‘Apply’ button.

    In the left pane double click your just created Debug configuration and NOT on the Debug icon, this should work first.

  • I appreciate your effort and willingness to help. This did not work either.

    If possible, I would like to wait for help from someone that has access to a F5529 LaunchPad and can see what I'm seeing. Do you think you may have access to one tomorrow?

  • Trying this on the LaunchPad is of no use. I know this message very well and it is very clear it tells you, that you have selected in your Target configuration the FR5969 but you have physically connected F5529.
    Open again the Target configuration you have selected in the Debug configuration and select the correct MCU.
    In the drop down list next to the Debug icon you select also the Debug configuration, which points to the Target configuration.
  • Sorry, but I'm seeing different things on my editor than what you see.

    If its not too much trouble, please load the attached project and *just* attempt to enter debug mode.  You *do not* have to have a Launchpad connected.  

    I created a *new* project that clearly specifies the F5529 and copied all the source code files to the folder.  This project **still insists** it wants a FR5969 processor but I cannot find where it has been instructed to do so.  It appears the original developer at TI used the FR5969 LaunchPad to develop this code because it errors out with insufficient RAM when trying to set the partition.

    If you would just tell me how to set the project for F5529 I would be good to go.




  • Maybe this is a little bit different in CCSv6.0.
    The project himself is unknown of the Target LaunchPad, When you start a Debug session, CCS needs to know how to connect your project output file to the target.
    We try another way.
    Again open ‘View\Target configurations’, brows to your project and open the folder ‘Targets’ (or something like this) under your project name. In this folder you should see the targets used in this project, the folder is part of the project.
    If only one open it and verify the MCU, if more than one delete the others, use only one.
    Right click the target configuration and link or attach (not sure how it is named) the configuration to your project. Now you might press the green debug icon.
  • I have downloaded your project and it has the correct Target configuration.
    If you have also connected a FRAM board, or any other, to your computer, remove this.
  • Any chance you could actually run the code I attached in my last post?

    It appears the original developer at TI used the FR5969 LaunchPad to develop this code because it errors out with insufficient RAM when trying to set the partition.
  • I have no access to CCS, tomorrow. But I can read the project files and it is created for an F5/6 MCU and not for FRAM.
    The problem is you have in your workspace a FRAM project and is last used, CCS doesn’t know your new project and his different target.
    I don’t know what you mean with ‘partition’.

  • A little bit strange is that you get now these errors/warnings. It looks to me that you in the begin didn’t Build and start’s Debug for this project but for your FRAM project but connected to a F5529LP.

    Change output format of your project to ‘EABI’.

    Comment out the lines with “#define LPM0…LMP4” which generated a warning  in the file: “RF430CL331\driverlib\MSP430F5xx_6xx\deprecated\CCS\ msp430f5xx_6xxgeneric.h”.

    Remove the Linker File search path: "${CCS_BASE_ROOT}/msp430/lib/5xx_6xx_FRxx".

    The programs flow’s the RAM, you need to decrease the RAM use. One of the biggest consumer is: “Request_Processor.c”, in this file remove the comment in the line “const unsigned char FileTextE104[9000] = {“ and in “Request_Processor.h” add ‘const’ to “extern const unsigned char FileTextE104[];”

    Now you can Build and Run your program. For a better solution of your RAM use search the forum or internet or open a new thread for this.

  • Leo,

    After starting with a newly created project correctly setup for the F5529, making all the changes in your last post to convince the compiler I was not used the FR5969, deleting a reference to a math library that the previous developer was using with this code set, correcting the debug interface in the .ccxml file and one or two other things that I cannot think of at the moment I finally have this project working.  All up, this cost me about two days of debug time.  Brutal.

    Thanks for all your help -- especially over the weekend!  Much appreciated!


  • The project was created for an older version of CCS, therefore some of the changes where needed except for the RAM use, this is a bit strange. Then I could build, flash and run it without any other changes (target or so). Anyhow you have it working, and that’s good.

    Instead of deleting the mathlib reference, which improves performance and was not inserted by the previous developer but by your current version of CCS and it will tries to add it again, it is better to change output format to EABI.

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