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Linker command file compatibility issue with different compiler versions

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430F2419

Using: CCS Version:

I'm successfully building code when I use compiler: TI v3.2.1   (From an earlier CCS ver.)

When I switch to compiler TI v.4.4.3 I get linker issues:

"../lnk_msp430f2419.cmd", line 106: warning: Linker command file has no
   sections of type=VECT_INIT, but does contain .intXX sections.  This file may
   be out of date.  Generating interrupt pointers for all .intXX sections.  The
   default handler provided in the RTS will be used if no other handler is
   found.  It is recommend that you update your linker command file to the
   latest version.

The lnk_msp430f2419.cmd that inside my project appears to be old.

The lnk_msp430f2419.cmd that is in CCS tree (ccsv6\ccs_base\msp430\include) appears to be the newer version.

Is there some reason the project is using the cmd file in the project rather than the one in the CCS tree?  (Is it there because of the early CCS toolset?) 

Is there some reason I can't redirect the build settings to the cmd file in the CCS tree?  (Where can I do this?  The file_search_path doesn't appear to to have any effect here.)

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