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Update firmware via GPRS network for msp430 family

hi guys !

my name is VIET, i'm student in university, i very exciting programming on micro-controller.

i would like develop " UPDATE FIRMWARE REMOTELY FOR MSP430"

i had read document about BSL, but i don't understand, how can update firmware while micro-controller is running application.

please help me, thanks.

  • The answer depends on the MSP430 device you want to use. I assume that your GPRS modem presents as a UART to the MSP430?

    There are a couple of ways to approach this....

    1. Use existing UART BSL. Have a command you send over GPRS that enters the BSL. Then send the appropriate BSL commands and data directly over the link to reprogram the device. One downside is that if you have an unreliable radio link (connection drops or the SNR is too low causing bit-errors) you could end up with a bad reprogram.

    2. Look at options like MSPBoot (or roll your own). Download the new image into spare memory (means you need 2x memory of your application requirements) and once the new image is received and verified, reprogram the flash.
  • BSL and a reliable 9600baud serial connection, I guess you don't really need Rx if you don't need to see what the BSL's reply's are.

    But how are you gone trigger the BSL entry as you need to toggle RST and TEST pins in a special way.
    BSL-Software-entry could work, but if update failed you may not get it back up running again and have to update in person.
    And is the GPRS module just dummy-serial-link or needs the msp430 itself to control it?

    So this project is not for new programmers if 100% reliability is a must.
  • thanks sir so much !

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