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MSP430F6779 3phase with neutral energy meter UART to PC tripping mains

Hi, referring to the energy meter project , i modified the circuit as on the example of 3 phase meter using UART communication without rs232 section. I have removed the isolated rs232 and replaced with direct TX and RX from MSP430 ic. I have connected this tx , rx and the dgnd from the board to my ftdi usb to uart device on the pc. Even before i power up the board main ELCB trips. Is this due to the neutral connection in the measurement board which used for voltage measurement. Since it tied to AGND of the board. And this AGND were conencted to DGND of the board through R4,R99,R100,R101,R102 and R103.

By the way if i didn't connect the board to UART of pc it is working fine without tripping.

Hope you can assist on this.

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