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A Unique ID of the TI eZ430-Chronos



The TI Customer Support group suggested me to post this question directly to the factory engineers in this forum.


I am writing a .NET application that communicates with the TI eZ430-Chronos.


The User's Guide ( tells me on the page 124 that "each eZ430-Chronos kit has a unique ID stored in information memory block D".


Could you please let me know:

How can my application receive unique IDs of the RF access point and the watch (for example, their serial numbers)?

What function in what library would return an ID that is different for every eZ430-Chronos RF AP and watch that has been made?


Thank you,


  • Your post has been moved to the MSP430 forum as they are the once responsible for the CC430 SW.

  • This ID is put into the source address field of each frame.

    What .NET library are you using?
  • Hello, Clemens, thank you for your reply.

    I am using the eZ430_Chronos_Net.dll (

    In the Constants.cs file ( the following constants are declared:

    public class Constants
    // Shortcuts to address packet byte-wise (indices)
    internal const byte PACKET_BYTE_START = 0;
    internal const byte PACKET_BYTE_CMD = 1;
    internal const byte PACKET_BYTE_SIZE = 2;
    internal const byte PACKET_DATA_START = 3;

    internal enum APCommand : byte

    // Generic commands
    BM_GET_PRODUCT_ID = 0x20,


    In the Chronos.cs file ( the following GetID function is specified, but it does not seem to provide the unique ID of the RF access point:

    /// <summary>
    /// Get RF access point dummy ID - used by live check
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="ID">ID of the connected access point</param>
    /// <returns>true, if the command succeeded</returns>
    public bool GetID(out UInt32 ID)
    byte[] data = new byte[4] { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 };
    Packet response = SendAndReceive(Packet.Create(APCommand.BM_GET_PRODUCT_ID, data), data.Length, 1);

    ID = (uint)(response.Data[Constants.PACKET_DATA_START + 3] << 24) +
    (uint)(response.Data[Constants.PACKET_DATA_START + 2] << 16) +
    (uint)(response.Data[Constants.PACKET_DATA_START + 1] << 8) +

    return CheckResponse(response);

    My application runs fine (without the GetID function). But if I add the GetID function to the code, then this function returns True (it succeeded), the ID is always 0, and executing the GetID function seems to immediately stop communication between the watch (end device) and the RF access point.

    Thank you,
  • Thank you, Siri.
  • It appears that the firmware does not implement the BM_GET_PRODUCT_ID command (according to the comment, it would be implemented by the access point, not by the end device).

    And apparently, this library does not give you access to the source address of a frame. (AFAIK the source address is used to send responses, so in theory, the internal code should know it.)
  • Hello, TI Engineers,

    I am still looking for functions that return unique IDs of the RF access point and the eZ430 Chronos watch (for example, their serial numbers).

    When using the BM_GetID function that is included in the eZ430_Chronos_CC.dll (...\Texas Instruments\eZ430-Chronos\Control Center\GUI Sources\DLL\Debug), I receive a 9-digit number.

    What exactly does this returned 9-digit number represent?
    Is this number unique across all the eZ430 Chronos RF access point devices that has been ever manufactured by TI?

    The 9-digit number that I receive from BM_GetID does not match the number that is printed on the RF access point with the pink ink. Is this pink number the serial number of the RF access point device?

    Also, what function of what library does return the unique ID (such as the serial number) of the end device (the eZ430-Chronos watch)?

    Thank you,

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