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startup_msp432p401r_ccs.c include

I have a simple question about the file: startup_msp432p401r_ccs.c.

When I looking for the interrupt vector table,I've found it in the file startup_msp432p401r_ccs.c.But I can't find any file include this file.I can't find any include option in project property settings.My question is,how did it play a part in the compiling.


  • Typically startup_msp432p401r_ccs.c is included in the project folder alongside the main project c file, which is then included through the project root search path.  Below is an illustration:

    Regards, Ryan

  • Thanks,Ryan!

    But I still confused about it. In my opinion,an include path is different from "#include ..." in a C programme. It's just a "search path" to search an include file which included by a "#include ..." statement. When compiling in progress,the file without "#include ..." will not compiled even it's in the search path.

    So,where's the "#include ..." of startup_msp432p401r_ccs.c.
    Thanks again,Ryan!
  • When MSP432 CCS projects are created they pre-include necessary files such as startup_msp432p401r_ccs.c and system_msp442p401r.c inside of the project properties and therefore do not need the #include declaration inside of the C program. More exact details on how this is accomplished inside of CCS may need to be answered inside of the Code Composer Studio Forum.

  • Ryan:
    Thank you very much! I'll study CCS Composer harder.

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