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Can MSP430FR2x33 support 1.8V as DVCC?

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430FR2033

Hi Experts,


Can MSP430FR2033/2433 support 1.8V as DVCC?

In datasheet, it says that the operation range is from 1.8V to 3.3V. But it also says that the max SVS power up level is 1.99V. It seems that the SVS function cannot be disabled during LPM0 and LPM1, so the actual min operation voltage for MSP430FR2033/2433 is 2.0V. Am I right?


Thanks a lot in advance!

  • I don't know about MSP430FR2033, but some FRAM devices (that I tried) are not able to run (or to be under SBW / JTAG control) on 1.8V after reset even in datasheet operational range is specified from 1.8V to 3.3V. They become alive somewhere between 1.9V and 2.0V.

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