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MSP430 Clock and Clock Dependent Signal Generation

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ENERGIA


I am attempting to replicate the the MCLK and the TSAMP signals from the image below using an MSP430. Unfortunately, software has never been my strong suit. The issue I am running into is that I need to generate a clock signal that operates at 32 MHz for the MCLK and on approximately every 8th clock signal, I need to generate the TSAMP signal. I am not sure how to trigger the TSAMP signal on the 8th iteration of every clock cycle. I am also hoping to do this script in energia for simplicity. Any help you could provide would be greatly appreciated. 

  • Hi Aaron,

    Unfortunately MSP430 devices only support a maximum MCLK speed of 24 MHz. You would also need a timer PWM to control the TSAMP signal and this further limits your clocking capabilities.  Energia would be of no benefit since you need precise register control, not a high-level API.


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