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MSP432P4111: MSP432P4111

Part Number: MSP432P4111


Msp432 PORT31 issue is solved alrdy in new version of silicon? I want to use it but afraid that it will happen at customers. I got protection diode spoiled. because environment is harsh, MSP430 is ok but I need low power ARM processor. If not solved, I will change it to STM32 or some other brands.

Best Regards

  • Hi,

    I sent it to a concerned engineer. We will get back to you ASAP. Please bear with us.



  • Hello,

    No, this issue is not fixed in the current revision and there is no plan to fix it. Does the workaround not work in your application?



  • Hi Alexis,

    We would like to data acquisition using ADC and I am afraid that it will happen at construction site as site condition is harsh. I try msp432p401r Red simplelink board and found that chip becomes hot. This problem happens not just only me but also others happen. So you have to fix silicon and otherwise we cannot use your chip even though software is good. If we do mass production board using that chip, anything happens on site is waste of our money and cost. Or can you show me hardware workaround?


  • Hi

    Or you can test IDDQ for test for all pins? if you do IDDQ test, that kind of problem is easy to catch? 

    Best Regards

  • Hello,

    Unfortunately I don't think an IDDQ test would help in this case. From a hardware perspective, I would refer to the suggested workarounds:

    1. For GPIOs configured as input, ensure that they are driven by a current-limited source < 30mA (up to Tj=85C) or 20mA (up to Tj=125C, if allowed for device. See device specific datasheet for maximum allowed operating junction temperature) OR use a series resistance >100 ohm (up to Tj=85C) or 150 ohm (up to Tj=125C, if allowed for device. See device specific datasheet for maximum allowed operating junction temperature) to limit the current.

    2. For high drive GPIOs configured as output, ensure adequate protection from fast transients is provided to both the high drive IOs and any adjacent pins.

    3. In general, it is recommended to terminate any unused GPIOs in the output direction, driving low to minimize the occurrence of this issue.

    4. For guidelines on ESD considerations refer to the document: MSP430 System-level ESD Considerations SLAA530 



  • Hi Alexis,

    I read that document but it cannot make sure if I follow that procedure, that issue will solve 100%? Document does not state 100% to fix that issue. A bit scare for me to use all MSP432 chips. if you don't solve silicon issue, TI will make scare to people and people are less confident in MSP432 products and other competitor will take over TI. You will have burn-in test for MSP432?

    Best Regards,


  • Hi,

    We are little behind the Schedule. We will look into it ASAP. Please bear with us.



  • Hello,

    Although we do not have plans to fix this issue, I can assure you that we do have customers who have successfully incorporated the MSP432P device in harsh industrial environments. It can be done with a lot of system level care and consideration.



  • Hi

    What kind of external components should I use if I want to use MSP432's ADC to prevent PORT31 issue coming out? what kind of system level consideration? Frankly speaking, I am a bit scare of MSP432. I use msp430 and TM4C129E. Both mcu are pretty good and reliability is not bad. We deploy a few data loggers and no problem within 1 year. Can you add in FRAM feature in MSP432 future version fixing all existing bugs?

    Best Regards

  • HI,

    Like I said, there are no plans to release a new version of the MSP432.



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