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MSP432P401M: A Reset Occurred on the target

Part Number: MSP432P401M

I need desperate help on of our boards designed around MSP432P401MIRGCR. We have successfully completed and tested 100 pin version, however this 64 pin version is giving me sleepless night. I built three boards, one board is showing DAP related error and we kept it aside for now. Now two remaining boards can get firmware loaded, however immediately it shows error (Running - A reset occurred on the Target). I tried different applications from simplelink_msp432p4_sdk_3_40_01_02. Even led blink example is also showing same error. I am using CCS 9.3 with all updates.  I watched the voltages on oscilloscope is showing 3.3V stable. Even RST pin is also stable at 3V.  Attached are the screen shots for more details. Can anyone please throw some lite on this.

  • Hey Shivaji,

    It sounds like you are not able to debug any projects on the device currently.  Do you know if the device is running without the debugger?  

    Since the only difference in your system seems to be a different package, I'm guessing that this is somehow a hardware issue, possibly due to a new layout or manufacturing.   I don't see any obvious issues on the schematic capture provided above. 

    Can you measure Vcore?   Depending on if set as Vcore0 or Vcore1 in software, it should be either 1.2V or 1.4V respectfully.  It should also be a clean, stable signal. 



  • Hi JD,

    Highly appreciate you help on this, however no breakthrough yet. I checked the Vcore voltages, it is 1.18 on one board and around 1.2V for other two boards. It is a stable voltage. We assembled new bare minimum components on the third PCB today, still no sign of improvements.  All of these three boards are showing same symptoms. I can flash it, and then it continuously resets itself.

    I used Uniflash utility as well, I can load image, I can verify image successfully, but then simple LED Blinking application doesn't show blinking on oscilloscope. We have onboard 3.3V regulator and it seems to stable and noise free. 

    In CCS9.3 , I imported the LED Blinking sample from lattest SDK, changed the target to MSP432P401M, compiled and flashed the program.  I bought these ICs from TI online shop just last week.

    Would you please guide what to check next.

  • Hey Shivaji,

    Seems like a really strange issue.  On the minimally populated board, what else is connected to the MCU?  Is it just power supply, MCU, and SBW Connector?  

    Is this the Blink LED project you are using or something else? 

    I guess it's possible they were damaged during shipping or assembly, maybe due to ESD.  Can you measure how much current the MSP432 is pulling?  



  • Hi JD,

    Yes you are right, on minimally populated board, there is MCU, Regulator and SWd connections, capacitors as shown in the circuit without even DCOR resistor. No external crystal circuit is connected. The program you gave the link is the one I am trying. MCU is merely taking 2.45mA.

    Can all of these MCU ICs can be damaged, does similar happened any time before to your knowledge. For 100 pin version I did not had any problem like this. I have so far built around 20 boards. What else we can do now, our project is also getting delayed. 

    We live in Mumbai, India. Is there any local person I can talk to or have a visit with him. I heard there is a TI support center in Pune, if required I can make a visit there.

    Please guide.



  • Hi JD,

    Any update please.



  • Hi JD

    Since I am not getting further help on this, since I bought these IC from, can I be able to get the same or other compatible ICs from TI. 

  • Hello Shivaji,

    Sorry for the delay from my side.  I don't think I've ever heard of a case where 20/20 devices have all been damaged without there being some sort of hardware issue.  I'm not sure how exactly you acquired them the first time, but you should be able to request some samples here: 

    I also looked to see if we had any target socket boards for that package but unfortunately, they are only available for the 100 pin package.  

    In general, the 64 pin RGC package is probably the most common package used by MSP432 customers for it's smaller size and price and I haven't heard of any issues.  



  • Hi JD,

    I appreciate your help on this. I am using TI devices for more than 4-5 years and I also did not had any experience like this. By the way I have purchased them from our online shop. 

    However I am really stuck here and need to move further. There must be something missing which we are trying to identify what it is. 

    Meanwhile I tried a fresh IC on the general purpose PCB, with just a minimum of components required, and still the same problem. I can share the Altium project with you if it can help. If you can share the email ID would be better for me. Also I saw online there is a TI center in Pune near Mumbai where I live. Can they help me resolve this. I am anxious why is it not working when I had good success with 100 pin version.

    If these ICs are somehow damaged can TI help providing some replacement for this. I still have couple of IC untouched I can send if required for TI to identify problem.

    Thanks JD

  • Hello Shivji,

    Unfortunately, I've not very familiar with how they purchasing side works, but I don't think it's possible to return/replace orders.  Approximately how many devices is it in total?

    Also, maybe we are looking at the wrong thing.  Maybe the issue isn't all the devices, but the debugger.   Have you tried another debugger setup and cables?  

    I'm not familiar with the TI office in Pune, but I don't think they will be able to assist.  



  • All,

    it is stated that an unexpected reset appears. Was it analyzed which kind of reset (reboot, hard or soft)?
    Getting the source of the reset might help to find out what's going wrong on application?

    If you need help please check user guide chapter three to see which registers you have to read to find out which reset appeared.

  • HI JD,

    As I mentioned earlier as well I purchased directly from TI online store, I think I purchased 8 ICs. It is OK if ICs cannot be provided against these. Unfortunately we are in the lockdown till 14 April could not any further tests. Will try with calm mind sometime in future.

    Thank you very much for supporting for this. Kindly take care during this horrific Covid 19 situation.


  • Hey Shivaji,

    You should be able to request 10 or 20 free samples on I believe.  

    Good luck with the lockdown! Ours keep being extended.  


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