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iam using MSP-430FG439, trying to initialize the gpio pin using a Code Compressor compiler. while debugging am getting the following warnings and unable to download the program
1) interrup vector routin problems
2) asking to initialize all the unused ports
iam unable to download the sample program of toggling a pin.
Please clarify a few things:
1. When you say Code Compressor, do you mean Code Composer Studio or something else?
2. What example are you using? Is it this one?
C:\TI\ccsv5\ccs_base\msp430\MSP430ware_1_30_00_15\examples\devices\4xx\MSP430FG43x Code Examples\C\fet430_1.c
3. What version of MSP430Ware do you have installed?
4. What version of Code Composer Studio do you have installed?
5. Did you successfully create a .out file 'Finished building target: fet430_1.out'?
I compiled the example with no errors. (See attached.) This will not limit me from debugging.
1.sorry..ya i mean code composer studio using fet430_1.c using MSP430x4XX family,msp430fg43x code examples
4.version 5.3.0
5.ya build finished. i successfully created fet430_1.out file,but it shows that 14 warnings.when i click proceed,it shows error connecting to the target device.
gopi krishnas said:i successfully created fet430_1.out file,....when i click proceed,it shows error connecting to the target device.
It looks, that there is nothing wrong with your code.(for time being because there were no error messages). Check weather you included the proper MCU name when you are creating the project.Check optimization and other compiler option and also try downloading other off the shelf example codes.
Check verify answers if this answers your question
This (and maybe the other warning too) seems to come from the ULP advisor. Which tells you about potential problems related to low power operation. However, these are no program bugs or things that will hinder your program from running. Most of these warnigns are only relevant if you go for extremely low power application or help you tracking down some bugs in your code (especially the interrupt vector thing helps when you misconfigured some interrupt events and get device unexplainable behaviour)gopi krishnas said:2) asking to initialize all the unused ports
THat's a different thing and you should tell your complete setup (target PCB, used FET, anyhtign else that could be of use, such as supply voltage and power source. And the exact moment and wording of the error message you get. And with 'exact', i don't mena 'when I'm trying to download...' but rather 'I press this button and that button and then the error pops up'.gopi krishnas said:iam unable to download the sample program of toggling a pin.
1. Test the communication between your computer and the programming tool. In this case, I am using the MSP-FET430UIF, but other options are available. I will test the connection by reading the firmwrae version of the MSP-FET430UIF using the FET-Pro430 Lite Software. This step does not involve loading any programs to the MSP430.
This confirms that the communication between the PC and the programming tool is correct.
Close the software and open it again. There is a bug in version 3.0.8 that will be fixed in vesion 3.0.9. After you read the firmware version, you cannot communicate with the MSP430. After you restart the program if you do not read the firmware version of the programmer, you will be able to communicate with the MSP430.
2. Erase the flash on your MSP430. In this case I am using the MSP430F5528 in the MSP-TS430RGC64C. This step does not involve loading any program to the MSP430.
This confirms that there is no problem communicating with the MSP430 device on the target board. Now I can load some code to the MSP430
3. Load a program to the MSP430 that blinks an LED. In my case I used Code Composer Studio with the toggle exmaple from MSP430Ware.
C:\TI\ccsv5\ccs_base\msp430\MSP430ware_1_30_00_15\examples\devices\5xx_6xx\MSP430F55xx Code Examples\C\MSP430F55xx_1.c
I built and loaded the program to the MSP430 using the debug button. I observed the LED blinking which verifies that my programming toolchain is working correclty.
can you please mention the series of steps to be followed while working with code composer studio v4 or IAR embedded workbench?
1. Test the communication between your computer and the programming tool.
What were your results?
2. Erase the flash on your MSP430
What were your results?
3. Load a program to the MSP430 that blinks an LED
I can see your results, but they do not reveal the cause of the problem wihout results from 1. and 2. before it.
I recommend you read this.
Code Composer Studio™ v5.3 User's Guide for MSP430
Find, "How to Generate Binary-Format Files"
The failure your reported happens when the MSP-FET430UIF is connected to the computer on one end but nothing on the other end (no MSP430). You will need to check the physical connection between the MSP430 and the MSP-FET430UIF.
Here is where you can see many schematic examples of the connection interface between a MSP430 and the MSP-FET430UIF.
how do i check the physical connection..MSPFET430UIF is interfaced to msp430 target board via JTAG connector...wil it there be any problem in connector... when i click debug, the below dialog box that i clicked it shows the error(error connecting to the target device and unable to connect to the target device).pls check out the attachments
How does your programming interface compare to the one in the schematic for MSP-TS430PN80?
the kit in the figure is similar to the MSP-TS430PN80 ....It has onboard pulse oximeter driver is specifically designed for pulse oximeter..7318.Single-Chip-Pulsox-using-MSP430.pdf
steps to be followed while working with code composer studio:
1.create a new project and create a file.c
2.write down a program
3.set the options for u r active project
e.g:microcontroller family ,chip number..etc..
refer user guide 5504.slau157w.pdf
click debug and download the program to the kit..
if u use MSP430FETUIF then u need to use FET pro-430 flash programmer software..
steps to be followed while using IAR:
1.create a workspace and create a file.c or asm
2.write a program and save the workspace as .eww
3.set the options as specified in the user guide on debug and download the program
thanks a lot for your guidance...i downloaded my program...i found out the mistake in physical connection
thanks a lot for your guidance..i found out the mistake in physical connection..i corrected it..i downloaded my program successfully...
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