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Loading drivers for EKS LM4F232 Workshop

I attended the EKS LM4F232 workshop in mid April.  I want to repeat the exercises and develop some of my own but for some unknown reason the drivers no longer exist in Device Manager. Preworkshop instructions were to wait until the workshop before loading drivers.  Unfortunately, I do not remember how we were instructed to do so.   I tried to install the drivers by clicking the inf files from the unzipped file on the desktop.  The drivers still do not appear.  Please provide instructions.

  • Hi John,

    You will need to install the install following drivers on your computer before you can perform the labs and exercises presented during the workshop. The drivers can be downloaded from Download the zip folder and extract the contents some where locally on your computer.

    1) Stellaris Virtual Serial Port
    2) Stellaris ICDI/SWD Drivers
    3) Stellaris DFU Drivers

    When EK-LM4F232 is connected to the computer for the first time, Windows New Hardware Found wizard will appear. The wizard will prompt you to locate and install the drivers. Upon successful installation, the drivers will be listed in Windows ® Device Manager. Please refer to Appendix 1 for step by step instruction on how to install drivers.

    Before advancing to the labs, it is important to make sure the that the computer can recognize the evaluation board and all the required drivers are installed. Please see the attached PDF that lists step by step procedure with screenshots.


  • Hi Ashish,

    Thank you for your help.

    I had already downloaded and unzipped the files prior to connecting the evaluation board to my notebook.  However, when connecting the board to the notebook, the Found New Hardware Wizard does not appear.  This does not allow me to progress further with the instructions.  Now that I have read the lab instructions again, I can see that the Wizard is not appearing - as I now remember it did during the lab.  Perhaps the instruction "when the board is first connected" is significant in that this is not a first time connection.  Either that or I now have some other problem i.e. the board is not being correctly recognized.  Yet, I do hear the familiar tone of a newly connected device from the notebook speaker.  Also, the board shows up as 'In-Circuit Debug Interface' in 'Devices and Printers' when I click 'Safely Remove Hardware and Eject Media'.  The OLED screen on the board shows ADC Hands On Lab followed by AX : 18XX on next line where XX represents changing numbers.  

    Is there a way of resetting something on the notebook or some other procedure to obtain an appropriate handshake between notebook and board?  Perhaps the unzipped files need to be in a specific folder.



  • John,

    First things first. You dont have to worry about "'Safely Remove Hardware and Eject Media" because ADC application is running on your board, not a USB app.

    Okay, so if you participated in the workshop and performed some exercises, then you must have installed the drivers during the workshop. Installing drivers is a one step process. So, if you have installed the drivers already, the new hardware found wizard will not appear, and no further action is required on your part.

    Let us first check if the drivers are installed on your computer or not. First, make sure that the power select jumper is connected as shown in the screen shot below.

    Next, open the windows device manager on your computer and check if the stellatis drivers are enumerated correctly as shown below. If so, then your drivers are installed. Now you can proceed with the exercises.

    Or, you can use LM Flash Programmer to program the default application on your EK-LM4F232 board. For this you will need to download LM Flash Programmer ( and StellarisWare (you should have installed it during the lab). Browse to C:\StellarisWare\boards\ek-lm4f232\qs-logger\ccs\Debug on your computer, and program qs-logger.bin at address 0x0 in flash.

    I hope I was able to assist you, please keep me informed if the information above helps. Thanks!

  • Hi Ashish,

    Thanks for elaborating.  However, I do know how to determine whether drivers are installed on my notebook.  In my years of IT experience, drivers do not usually remove themselves from Device Manger unless manually removed or by programming.  If the drivers were there at the lab and have now disappeared, something has removed them.  I do remember that workshop participants had difficulties with loading drivers at the workshop, perhaps because they had loaded them previously and the drivers also disappeared on a later second connection of the board as I am now experiencing.  We were instructed to wait till the workshop before loading the drivers in the pre workshop action items.  I have checked Add Remove Programs and can find nothing for Stellaris.  It appears they have also been removed perhaps by some time limit use restriction.

    The strangest thing is that I do not remember removing the programs because I wanted to repeat the lab at a later date.  This is why I did not check Add Remove Programs in the first place.  Anything is possible, even temporary memory loss that would be unusual for me, so I hope the Stellaris programs are still freely available.


  • Hi John,

    Sorry for the inconvenience that you are experiencing.

    John Ratard said:
    In my years of IT experience, drivers do not usually remove themselves from Device Manger unless manually removed or by programming.  If the drivers were there at the lab and have now disappeared, something has removed them.

    I agree, the drivers should not get removed by themselves. However, they appear in device manager only when the eval. board is connected to the PC. Can you please perform the steps below in the sequence as follows? I understand, you may have done this already. To to be able to debug this with you,I want to make sure that we are on the same page.

    i) Move power select jumper to the ICDI position if its not already there.
    ii) Connect the board to the PC using USB mini/ type B cable.
    iii) The board should power up. In your case, the ADC lab app will be running.
    iv) Launch the Windows device manager and expand PORTS(COM & LPT). Please take a screen shot and provide us.

    We need to check if the three drivers which I listed in my post above appear there or not. If the drivers are listed, then its good. You can go ahead and start programming the board using CCS or LMFlash Programmer. Else, we will debug further.

    John Ratard said:
    We were instructed to wait till the workshop before loading the drivers in the pre workshop action items.

    Most likely, the pre-workshop instructions that were provided to you during the workshop were authored by me. Per instructions, you were requested to wait till the workshop just because in order to install the drivers, the EK-LM4F232 board must be connected to the computer. The kits were given to you during workshop, and therefore it enabled you to install the drivers during the workshop. Without kits, you couldn't not install the drivers for EK-LM4F232 board. That is why we asked you wait till the workshop. :)

    John Ratard said:
    I have checked Add Remove Programs and can find nothing for Stellaris.  It appears they have also been removed perhaps by some time limit use restriction. The strangest thing is that I do not remember removing the programs because I wanted to repeat the lab at a later date.  This is why I did not check Add Remove Programs in the first place.

    Stellaris drivers for EK-LM4F232 do not list in the Windows Add/Remove programs list even if they are installed unless they were explicitly installed using the most recent version of CCSv5.

  • Hi Ashish,

    I have attached the screen shot expanded in areas that I believe you require. Since I do not have Word on this, my wife's notebook, I have attached the file saved from Works as a Word file below.  I hope this works.  I am working from England using my isp server without my normal range of tools from home.  If this is not sufficient, it may be best I wait till I return to Canada at the end of May.  I also include the dialog box message following when I click the USB unknown device item.

    'Windows has stopped this device because it has reported problems. (Code 43)'

    Note: When the board is attached, I get a brief message from the bottom right of the window that the drivers failed to load.  The OLED screen displays 'ADC Hands On Lab'.


  • Hi John,

    If there was an attachment, may be it was stripped out. I do not see anything attached with the post. Would you please try to attach the file/ screen shot again if possible?

  • Hi Ashish,

    I do not have Word on this notebook I used for the lab so I saved Works and converted to Word, the file I tried to paste.  This did not appear to work so I will detail the appropriate open sections in Device Manager.  I hope this is OK.  However, before I do that, another wierd thing happened.  I tried several times to connect the Stellaris board to the notebook, looking each time in Device Manager to find the Stellaris entries without success.  Now today, there are at last two entries.  However, I still cannot run the labs.  Here is what Device Manager shows (clicking each shows this device is working properly):

    Under Ports (COM & LPT)

    -Stellaris Virtual Series Port (COM4)


    Under Stellaris In-Circuit Debug Interface

    - Stellaris ICDI DFU Device

    - Stellaris ICDI JTAG/SWD Interface

  • Hi Ashish,

    I have further feedback that would help in understanding how the Stellaris board interacts with the PCin the Workshops.

    If I had known that the workable setup only functions correctly if the board is attached to the PC, I would have wasted less time trying to troubleshoot.  Also, I found that the two connections to the board react differently.  For me, only the connection from the left side into what appears to be a mini firewire socket, displays the connections in Device Manager.  At the Workshop I attended, John, the instructor, started by having us connect the bottom USB socket first, then the side socket to presumably show us that we need to reposition the jumper correctly.  In a way, this can confuse which connection is the working one which leaves me wondering whether I had the right connection when I sent you feedback on the existence of Port information in Deviced Manager.  I believe with a higjh degree of certainty that I did have the side connection but I cannot say this 100%.  Providing information on how the sockets function during the Workshop in the pre-Workshop instructions would have helped.

    I hope this helps.  I also appreaciate what you have done to enhance my understaning of MEMS devices, control methods, and their programming.

