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I use Stellaris LaunchPad(LM4F120H5QRFIGA3, datecode: 28A2LVW), so mapping to tiva part no. is TM4C1233H6PM .
I found an new GPIO issue which is not listed on Tiva TM4C12x Silicon errata( and Old LM4F120H5QR errata.
This issue is Bit-banding failed on GPIO: PD0,PD1,PB6,and PB7 pins, below is the bit-band address:
PB6: 0x420A0018
PB7: 0x420A001C
PD0: 0x420E0000
PD1: 0x420E0004
I did use the same bit-band function to control all GPIO pins, and all pins work fine, except PB6,PB7,PD0,PD1.
Workaround: Use GPIO->DATA register + mask offset Address[9:2] for controlling PB6, PB7, PD0, PD1.
So, would you please clarify this issue? or give me some advice?
Thank you very much.
Dear Petrei,
Thank you very much for your reply.
I did remove the R9 and R10 resistor, and made this testing.
If I used GPIOB->DATA and GPIOD->DATA registers to control PB6, PB7, PD0, PD1, the output signal are correct, and individual pin control is correct too.
Is any other reason that may cause this issue?
Best regards,
Believe we past tried similar on our LX4F (not your device) and did not so note.
Had your tests included both "bit-band" writes & reads? Did both fail?
Were tests conducted w/ports @ both AHB and APB?
Some description of the, "failure" may be helpful...
Thank you for your advice.
I found when I use Bit-Banding with GPIO DATA register, this method failed.
But if I use Bit-Banding with GPIO DATA register + Mask Offset address, then this method works.
Ex: HWREGBITW(GPIO_PORTD_BASE + GPIO_O_DATA + ((1<<3) << 2), 3) = 0;
I don't know why?
GPIO_O_DATA register is virtually mapped to 256 locations in the address space. To facilitate the reading and writing of data to these registers by independent drivers, the data read from and written to the registers are masked by the eight address lines [9:2]. The following operation is wrong.
In other words, Kevin, bit-banding is not necessary as the GPIO data register gives you a means of masking which bits you want to change.