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Error: L6002U: Could not open file PART_TM4C123GH

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TM4C123GH6PM


I'm new using TivaWare C API and I'm getting an error when compiling:

.\PWMDual.axf: error: L6002U: Could not open file PART_TM4C123GH6PM: No such file or directory
Finished: 0 information, 0 warning, 0 error and 1 fatal error messages.
".\PWMDual.axf" - 1 Error(s), 0 Warning(s).
Target not created

This is my function new call (before inserting this and its include files the whole program worked fine):


(it is a PWM function call to disable Dead Band for the first module. It's documented here: page 207).

and these are my includes for the PWM function above:

#include "tm4c123gh6pm.h"

#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include "D:\ti\TivaWare_C_Series-\inc\hw_types.h"
#include "..\inc/hw_memmap.h"
#include "..\inc/hw_gpio.h"
#include "..\driverlib/sysctl.h"
#include "..\driverlib/pin_map.h"
#include "..\driverlib/rom_map.h"
#include "..\driverlib/gpio.h"
#include "..\driverlib/pwm.h"

I have checked in options for this target and I have already this line at C/C++ tab "Preprocessor Symbols": 


So I don't know what else to do. Any idea? Thanks!
