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An alternative, "Launchpad."

Guru 47900 points

Unknown if this girl's coat belt "failed" due to its, "design compatibility" goal with past coat/belt.  (i.e. MCU to MCU cross connects in a bit more familiar (to those here), "Launchpad")  That belt looks big - perhaps even too big for Sumo Wrestler - but hey - it's compatible...

Met up close - beyond stunning...(lost the power of speech - maybe that wasn't so bad - and not the first time!)  (had no idea this industry publication existed...nor its, "Connection capability...")

Not always are electronics - MCU Apps - boring, mind-numbing - some may rise to, "memorable..."

Note: "Truth in Advertising" This reporter "fails" in all 4 "Fall Trends:" Hair, color, nails & makeup.  Our firm's blue, solder mask pcb was bit better received... (although dreaded RoHS "whiskers" cost us points on hair - who knew?)

  • What a boosterpack!!!

  • PAk said:
    What a boosterpack!!!

    Limitation of "discussion-type" format prevents the award of formal, "Verify" - your clever comment.  (surely deserves!)

    Perhaps your "PAk Group's Radar" detects/reveals that which the coat obscures...  (I'll never tell)

    Salary, great boss - may not fully describe the benefits our small tech firm bestows upon, "best/brightest."

  • cb1- said:
    Limitation of "discussion-type" format prevents the award of formal, "Verify" - your clever comment.  (surely deserves!)

    TI forum status doesn't call me "genius" for nothing!!!

    cb1- said:
    Perhaps your "PAk Group's Radar" detects/reveals that which the coat obscures...  (I'll never tell)

    X-Rays always do the work.

    cb1- said:
    Salary, great boss - may not fully describe the benefits our small tech firm bestows upon, "best/brightest."

    Where do we have to sign?

  • PAk said:
    Where do we have to sign?

    You my friend - may (already) be well, "on your way..."  (we ain't conversing for nothing - you realize...)

    PAk said:
    TI forum status doesn't call me "genius" for nothing!!!

    And - as we all know - forum, "never overstates/lies!"