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Tiva connected Launchpad Lcd Interfacing

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: EK-TM4C1294XL

Hello people,

                         I want to know any source from where I can get a Nice solution to interface a SSD1963 BAsed Lcd Screen that Can be driven by a Tiva C Connected Launchpad.

  • Ashkar Malik48 said:
    any source from where I can get a Nice solution to interface a SSD1963 BAsed Lcd

    Might you (bit) define/detail your specification which qualifies as a, "Nice solution?" 

    Our tech group finds that SSD1963 works best/fastest w/16 bit bus transfers - believe only the best/brightest MCUs here offer that (16 bit) bus capability. 

    SSD1963 had long reigned supreme (in TFT Control) yet newer devices have arrived - and now may be integrated w/in the display - eliminating one, "wide signal path interconnect hurdle."

  • cb1- said:
    Might you (bit) define/detail your specification which qualifies as a, "Nice solution?" 

     Uhm.. Good idea ... Hey mon ami, a nice solution for me: Please can I have your code to use on my apps instead of moving my tired finger over the keyboard where some hole finger shaped are coming to show?... ;)

     SSD1963 code on my side is still non working, when I finish some part of FPGA coding and all problem are plaguing this moment I can finish universal driver to post here and ask if TI can integrate back on TIVAWARE from where it come out.

    cb1- said:
    SSD1963 had long reigned supreme (in TFT Control) yet newer devices have arrived - and now may be integrated w/in the display - eliminating one, "wide signal path interconnect hurdle."

     This is beautiful controller but again some feature where missing so I finally decided to use FPGA controller instead. This is first pure LCD controller I am writing, before they was CRT/LCD mixed tech.

  • Ashkar Malik48 said:
    SSD1963 BAsed Lcd Screen that Can be driven by a Tiva C Connected Launchpad.

     TIVA can drive SSD1963 controller, but this controller can drive a huge variety of TFT panels and none can figure what are you asking about.

     Some example are on kentec site where 4.3" and 7" are sold with this controller, other firm offer other kind of TFT panel and initialization require to set correct mode and timing too otherwise panel cannot work at all.

  • Unclear just who qualifies as, "Mon ami?" (precisely specifying o.p. or this reporter)  Our group pre-programmed another's (very fast) M4 - mated that to SSD1963 - and provided (as upgrade) to existing display clients. 

    An issue in such designs is the wide signal bus - required by MCU -> SSD and then between SSD -> TFT.  Generates ESD if not carefully designed & implemented.

    Newer TFTs have much improved view angle & contrast - and many have in-built Controllers - sounding alarm bell for SSD1963.  (and - this must have been anticipated - as SSD1963 has long sought "bigger brother" - and none arrived)

  • cb1- said:
    Unclear just who qualifies as, "Mon ami?" (precisely specifying o.p. or this reporter)  Our group pre-programmed another's (very fast) M4 - mated that to SSD1963 - and provided (as upgrade) to existing display clients. 

     A nice solution forever your code ;) But I was kidding, I finish port soon so it can be used 8/16 Wide interface or just SPI too from same driver using TI graphics library.

    cb1- said:
    Newer TFTs have much improved view angle & contrast - and many have in-built Controllers - sounding alarm bell for SSD1963.  (and - this must have been anticipated - as SSD1963 has long sought "bigger  brother" - and none arrived)

     As I wrote I am finishing develop IPCore for bare TFT, SDD1963 still is interesting for other application. Actually just SDD1289 ILI and OLED are working, on SDD1963 just black panel or scrambled image appear, but more time and manual reading are needed to, I suspect a wrong parameter I never discovered over time.

  • Here is the link
  • Ashkar Malik48 said:
    Here is the link

     Hi Ahskar, ok link to TFT seems to be here but:

     What do you think display on TFT?

     Which Launchpad are you using.

     How you want interface your panel? 8 Bit  16 BIT or SPI?

    ... Other unknown specs needed to us on try help you.

  • I would like to use the LCD in 16 Bit mode.
    The basic functionality of the setup is a Mini Spectrum analyzer and a Basic Oscillo scope that would take data from the inbuild adc of the TIVA C Connected Launchpad
  • Hello Ashkar,

    Roberto and myself have been going on this path of a Logic Analyzer. Have you checked that the ADC will be able to do a 2MSPS (on TM4C129) for one channel at any given time, that may affect the Scope and Spectrum Analysis bandwidth

    The existing grlib can be retrofitted for the panel, but you would be needing external memory for creating frame buffers since the 256KB may not be sufficient to hold a frame + program.

  • Hello Amit,
    Thank you for your reply,So how much RAM would be Enough for my application?
    Could you please guide me through editting Glib modification to be used with SSD1963 Driver.

  • Hello Ashkar,

    That you have to calculate based on the number of pixels, the RGB format and whether it is going to be packed or unpacked. Simply put Number of Rows of pixel * number of columns of pixel * RGB format in bytes / (1 if unpacked or N if packed based on RGB)

    The grlib is published as a source code for user modification. I would consider that to be "your project".

  • So according to Data given about the TFT LCD Screen and applying your formula we get
    t would be

    [X * Y * color depth(in bits)]

    this would give you the the frame buffer size in bits.


    Say we had a resolution of 800x480 and a color depth of 4 bits.

    we would go

    800 * 480 * 4

    to give us

    1536000 bits

    then to get bytes we divide by 8 to get

    192000 bytes

    then to get kilobytes we divide by 1024 (Remember computers are base 2)

    187.5 kilobytes

    Is it right?
  • SSD1963 Controller has a Frame buffer of 1215K Would that be sufficient?
  • Hello Ashkar

    Yes that seems right. The Frame buffer in the SSD controller is from where it will refresh the screen so that the image is sent only once.

  • Amit Ashara said:
    The Frame buffer in the SSD controller is from where it will refresh the screen so that the image is sent only once.

    Of course we're simplifying - but further detail will likely prove useful.

    SSD1963 (among others) includes a (rather) deep frame buffer (sram) which holds the pixel data which is then continually sent to the TFT screen.  (that's refreshed)

    Now the frame buffer is written to by the MCU.  And may be read from - as well.  And - each/every time that the display image is to be changed - the frame buffer must again be written.  (thus the earlier "once" statement must be extended...)

    There's another data path w/in the frame buffer (in addition to MCU < -- > Frame Buffer.)   And that's (Frame Buffer -- > TFT.)  This path sees a continuous "flow" of data - which must occur rapidly enough to prevent image flicker.  There's a rule of thumb - the more pixels, the greater the color depth, the higher the desired update rate - the higher must be the frame buffer to TFT data transfer rate.

    Our group has used this SSD Controller (among many others).   It has a limitation in that it "tops out" - and may not support "latest/greatest" TFT panels.  (especially those of size)  Beyond this - pcb design must employ proper HF layout rules and the many SSD Registers must be fully understood & correctly (and sequentially) loaded.  Great attention to detail (at least during prototyping) is required.  (i.e. not a "first nor second" project...)

    The display industry in general appears to be moving to COF or COB Controllers (see below) which eliminate the need for the "dual interconnect" demands which SSD (and it's ilk) demand.  Those dual interconnects consist of wide bus interface between MCU & SSD - and then from SSD to TFT.  Those newer TFTs eliminate the TFT Controller to TFT Display connection burden - thus provide substantial - Size AND Cost savings...

    COF  Chip on Flex....COB  Chip on Board....  both methods implement the TFT Control IC(s) upon the TFT or it's integrated flex cable...

  • Amit,

    The SSD1963 has a frame buffer built-in, and drives all LCD signals. One can interface it in 8080, 6800 or SPI mode, so you could connect it to a 'simple' 8-bit µc if you like, as long the refresh rate isn't too important.

    To the OP, there are many 'drivers' for this SSD1963, you only need to port it so it works with the TM4C API's, not really difficult(also the grlib only needs a few basic functions(pixeldraw, linedraw, etc..). It's only a matter of a few hours of hard work(or day or two), as long that the hardware is ok.

    I ported it first for a 8-bit Atmel µc, and did it for the TM4C also, it's not really that much of work, but it's up to you...

    Too late again, that's when I'm doing multitasking...

  • Hello Marc

    I am not the one requesting for the drivers...

  • Hello Amit,
    I bought TechToys 7" LCD With SSD1963 Controller.

    Specs are:-7" Lcd With Resolution 800x480
    Controller type:-SSD1963
    Interface protocol:-6800/8080

    Kindly guide me with the initializing process of the Display On the TIVA C Connected Launchpad.